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Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland week 34, 2020

Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland is de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief van het Landbouwattachénetwerk. U wordt iedere week geattendeerd op nieuws, activiteiten en achtergrondinformatie van 57 landbouwteams actief in 77 landen.

Coronavirus en internationaal zakendoen

Het coronavirus (COVID-19) roept vragen op bij ondernemers: wat zijn de gevolgen bij internationaal zakendoen, wat gebeurt er met geplande handelsmissies en wat zijn de Nederlandse maatregelen en reisadviezen? Via deze informatiebronnen blijft u op de hoogte.

Coronavirus en internationaal zakendoen

EUROPA - Poland: report on plant-based meat and dairy landscape

If a global craze around plant-based food has been repeatedly announced among key food market trends by various researchers and authorities for the last three years, shall it be considered a trend? Read the full report with trends, products and consumer insights for 2020.

Plant-based meat and dairy alternatives – Polish market landscape

vegan burger
Beeld: ©Pexels

- Bulgarije: de tarweopbrengst is dit jaar 25% lager

Dit jaar zouden de exportmogelijkheden moeten worden beperkt om het tegenovergestelde te voorkomen - de invoer van tarwe, zei de minister van Landbouw.

Bulgarije: de tarweopbrengst is dit jaar 25% lager

- Spain: road map for the citrus sector

Promoted by Cajamar, the report analyses all the links in the value chain, the opportunities offered by new technologies, the search for sustainability in view of climate change and market globalization.

Spain: Road map for the citrus sector

Hoja de ruta cítricos

- Portugal: lichte stijging export landbouwproducten en levensmiddelen

De export van landbouwproducten en levensmiddelen steeg tussen januari en juni 2020 met 0,4% ten opzichte van dezelfde periode in 2019. De import daalde met 4,5%, aldus gegevens van het Portugese Nationaal Instituut voor de Statistiek.

Portugal: Lichte stijging export landbouwproducten en levensmiddelen

- Hungary: newsflash on agriculture

Agro startup incubation, international trade figures, subsidies and the effect of COVID-19 on popcorn - The last week in Hungarian agriculture

Hungary Newsflash Week 33

AZIË - Singapore: Asia Fruit Logistica will be ON(line)

ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA ON is the name of the new digital event format instead of the original trade show Asia Fruit Logistica. It’s an online platform that connects exhibitors with buyers and sellers in Asia.

Singapore: Asia Fruit Logistica will be ON(line)

0102 Vietnamese fruit export
Beeld: ©VOV

- China: floods continue to torment China’s agriculture in agri news

The news overview of week 33 from the agricultural team of the Netherlands Embassy in Beijing.

China Agri News Week 33, 2020

- Indonesia : new officials at the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) conducts organizational refresher on the middle and  high-ranking officials within the Ministry of Agriculture. The Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health who was previously occupied by Ketut Diarmita was replaced by Dr. Ir. Nasrullah.

Indonesia : Information on new officials at the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture

- India: invitation - call for first movers in food loss and waste and related greenhouse gas emission reduction

Are you one of those front runner companies committed to Food Loss and Waste reduction and a strong link to India? Then join our digital roundtable for first movers on October 8th 9.30-12.00 CEST/ 13.00 -15.30 IST to explore the potential of establishing a National Taskforce for Food Loss and Waste Reduction in India reducing Food Loss and Waste (FLW) and FLW induced Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

INVITATION : Call for First Movers in Food Loss and Waste and related Greenhouse Gas Emission reduction in India

Food loss

AFRIKA - Kenya: overview of financial instruments for the agribusinesses

The Kenyan agriculture market is dynamic with many agribusiness opportunities. Most entrepreneurs, however, still face challenges such as limited access to business advice, talent, markets, and capital. These constraints are even higher for those who are young, female, or live outside of the metropolitan regions. One of the key challenges we have heard many times from companies, is access to finance.

Overview of financial instruments for the agribusinesses in Kenya

Beeld: ©FMO / FMO

- Tanzania: Sabasaba fair, power of practical trainings in unlocking aquaculture sector growth

The Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF) also known as Sabasaba fair is an annual promotional event organized by the Tanzania Trade Development Authority (TANTRADE).  In this year’s exhibition (1 -13 July 2020), the agricultural department of the Embassy of the Netherlands together with a consortium of Dutch companies under FoodtechAfrica, facilitated the participation of a local partner Big Fish Safina Ltd.

Sabasaba fair in Tanzania: Power of practical trainings in unlocking aquaculture sector growth

- Colombia: delivery of land titles in post-conflict area

On August 10, 20 land titles were awarded to residents of the Colombian municipality of Cumaribo, in a remote region hard hit by the armed conflict. More land titles will follow soon.

Delivery of land titles in post-conflict area in Colombia