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Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland week 26, 2023

Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland is de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief van het Landbouwattachénetwerk. U wordt iedere week geattendeerd op nieuws, activiteiten en achtergrondinformatie van onze landbouwteams die werkzaam zijn op de economische afdelingen van 60 Nederlandse ambassades en/of consulaten en van daaruit 80 landen bedienen. Via de link onderaan kunt u collega's attenderen om zich ook te abonneren.

Benoemingen LNV attachénetwerk 2023 - 2

Vandaag is de voorgenomen invulling van 5 functies in het buitenlandse netwerk van het Ministerie Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV) bekend gemaakt. Het Ministerie van LNV zal voor het eerst met een Raad op de Nederlandse Ambassade in Astana vertegenwoordigd worden. Daarnaast worden op 3 Nederlandse ambassades nieuwe Raden benoemd. Het betreft hier Boekarest, Peking en Riyad. Tevens zal een nieuwe Attaché op de Nederlandse ambassade in Washington haar werkzaamheden aanvatten. Alle betrokkenenstarten in de zomer van 2023. Dit in aanvulling op de benoemingen die op 5 april jl. bekend zijn gemaakt.

Benoemingen LNV attachénetwerk 2023 - 2

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In gesprek met vertrekkend landbouwraad Melle Leenstra in Egypte en Jordanië

Egypte en Jordanië, de landen waarin landbouwraad Melle Leenstra de afgelopen jaren actief was vanuit de Nederlandse ambassade in Cairo, kampen met vergelijkbare vraagstukken als Nederland. Duurzaamheid, klimaatverandering, waterschaarste: we kunnen veel van elkaar leren, zegt hij. Binnenkort keert hij terug naar Nederland. ‘Aan mijn opvolger laat ik een netwerk na dat nieuwer, ondernemender, innovatiever en dynamischer is.’

Werken aan duurzaamheid, klimaatverandering en waterslimme landbouw in Egypte en Jordanië

In gesprek met Melle Leenstra

EUROPE - Frankrijk: verbod op plastic verpakkingen per 1 juli 2023 van kracht

Per 1 juli 2023 worden de bepalingen van een nieuw decreet van kracht, dat in Frankrijk de verkoop van onbewerkte groenten en fruit in plastic verpakkingen verbiedt. Dit nieuwe decreet verscheen op 21 juni in het Journal Officiel (Staatscourant), zes maanden nadat het eerste ontwerp was vernietigd door de Conseil d'Etat (Raad van State).

Frankrijk: verbod op plastic verpakkingen per 1 juli 2023 van kracht


- Hungary: price caps on food to be lifted

Grocery retail sector struggles with economic effects; agriculture needs to adapt to changing international markets according to experts; major investment made in food processing; devastating bee disease found in East Hungary. Read more in this weekly briefing on agriculture, food and nature news in Hungary.

Price caps on food to be lifted in Hungary

Grocery store in Hungary. A fruits and vegetables aisle is shown with other groceries in the background. There is a fridge with fresh vegetables, there is also a hanging scale.
Beeld: ©Zoltán Szászi

- Poland: export of agri food increasing

In 2022, despite difficult conditions, the further increase in the Polish food export value was recorded in the international market. In 2022, the value of sale of agri-food commodities abroad reached a record-breaking level of EUR 47.6 billion (PLN 223 billion), by 26.7% higher than the year before.

Export of Polish agri food

diverse groente
Beeld: ©Pexels

- Romania: Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu promises lower food prices without pressure on farmers

Marcel Ciolacu, the recently appointed Prime Minister of Romania, has affirmed that consumers will soon witness a noticeable decrease in prices for certain essential food products. He has initiated discussions with retailers to achieve this outcome while assuring that such reductions will not impose any burden on Romanian farmers.

Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu promises lower food prices without pressure on farmers


- Serbia: heavy rains and flood hit agriculture

Substantial environmental damages in horticulture; legal reform increases number of legal seasonal workers; regional project on urban greening launched; greenhouse production increases profits; World Bank support in green transition. Read more in this weekly briefing on agriculture, food and nature news in Serbia.

Heavy rains and flood hit Serbian agriculture

Heavy rain with droplets splashing on a wooden beam.
Beeld: ©Liv Bruce

- Spanje: inschrijving deelname sierteeltvakbeurs IBERFLORA geopend

Van 3 t/m 5 oktober 2023 vindt de Spaanse vakbeurs voor de sierteelt Iberflora plaats. Deze beurs is de meest bekende binnen de tuinbouwsector en wordt jaarlijks georganiseerd in Valencia voor een groot (inter)nationaal publiek. Bedrijven uit Nederland kunnen ervoor kiezen deel te nemen aan het NL Collectief op deze beurs waar Nederlandse bedrijven gezamenlijk kunnen participeren op een mooie centrale beurslocatie.

Schrijf nu in voor deelname aan de Spaanse sierteeltvakbeurs IBERFLORA

Iberflora 2023
Beeld: ©Iberflora 2023 / Iberflora 2023

- Ukraine: Future For Nature, meet the winner of 2023

Each year, the Future For Nature Foundation recognises three young, driven nature conservationists from around the world. These wildlife heroes are making a real difference for their species or ecosystem. Application for 2024 is open!

Future For Nature, meet the winner of 2023 from Ukraine

Future for Nature 2023 winner

AFRICA - South Africa: reaffirming commitment to develop climate-smart horticulture with the Netherlands

During Prime Minister Rutte's visit to South Africa, Dutch Ambassador Han Peters signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) with state-owned electricity company Eskom. This LoI reaffirms our partnership to create sustainable 21st century jobs for those affected by the country’s decarbonization efforts. The agreement builds on a similar one taken last year between the Netherlands and Eskom to repurpose coal power stations through the development of a climate-smart horticulture sector.

The Netherlands and South Africa reaffirm commitment to develop climate-smart horticulture sector

The Dutch Ambassador to South Africa is seated on the left of the Eskom chairman as they sign a letter of intent
Beeld: ©Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken / William Bowden

ASIA - China: protected agriculture has the attention of the government (part 1)

China can provide important opportunities for Dutch greenhouse technology and knowhow. Therefore, it is important that stakeholders in that field are aware of what is going in the country. To facilitate that knowledge, the LAN team in Beijing and Shanghai recently organized a roundtable, during which Chinese experts shed light on the development in agricultural policies and practices on a national and regional level (Yangtze delta region and Shanghai).  In a series of three articles, the outcome of this roundtable will be discussed. This first article will deal with government policies related to facility agriculture. 

Protected agriculture has the attention of the Chinese government (part 1)


- China: challenges of operating high-tech greenhouses (part 2)

China can provide important opportunities for Dutch greenhouse technology and knowhow. Therefore, it is important that stakeholders in that field are aware of what is going in the country. To facilitate that knowledge, the LAN team in Beijing and Shanghai has recently organized a roundtable, during which Chinese shed light on the development in agricultural policies and practices on a national and regional level (Yangtze delta region and Shanghai). In a series of three articles, the outcome of this roundtable will be discussed. This second article will reflect on high-tech greenhouses from the Netherlands that are currently used in China.

Challenges of operating high-tech greenhouses in China (part 2)

High tech greenhouse China
Beeld: ©L. Zhang

- Japan: high-tech and Dutch horticulture join forces

A Japanese delegation consisting of high-tech companies and startups, research institutes and horticultural growers visited the Netherlands from 11 to 14 June to explore possibilities for research and development cooperation with the Netherlands. The central theme of this visit was the use of robotics and artificial intelligence in greenhouse horticulture.

Japanese high-tech and Dutch horticulture join forces

Harvest House/Lans in Westland

- Taiwan: sustainable ESG Travel on the Northeast Coast

The collaborative efforts of the Northeast Coast National Scenic Area Administration, the Taiwan Ecotourism Association, and Toucheng Farm have resulted in the launch of the special ecotourism package. The itinerary allows visitors to experience the beauty of the Northeast Coast region's ecology while learning and applying the principles of ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance).

Sustainable ESG Travel on the Northeast Coast of Taiwan

ESG Tour
Beeld: ©SEO-LAN

- Viet Nam: aquaculture mission to the Netherlands

From 19-23 June 2023, a delegation from Viet Nam including representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), some provinces in the Mekong Delta, VINAFIS, VASEP and companies active in the aquaculture sector paid a working visit to the Netherlands. The mission, organised by the Netherlands Embassy in Hanoi, aimed at exchanging knowledge and innovations and exploring investment opportunities for business cooperation in the aquaculture sector.

Viet Nam's aquaculture mission to the Netherlands

Beeld: ©Embassy Hanoi


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