Ukraine: 1st step towards unlocking the export of biomethane

Ukraine has a significant potential for biomethane production and export opportunities.

Parliament of Ukraine adopted draft law No. 9456 as a basis, which is aimed to solve the issue with the export of biomethane. This step will give an impulse to the development of biomethane production in Ukraine and at the legislative level settles the problem with the possibility of delivering (exporting) biomethane to the European market.

Ukraine has a significant potential for biomethane production and huge export opportunities. So, by 2030 the country is able to achieve production of up to 0.5 billion m³ of biomethane per year. Currently, the business has already invested its own funds, intends to work, create jobs, fill the State and local budgets, but for this it is necessary to provide an opportunity to export biomethane to markets where it is in demand.

In this direction, Ukraine sees the countries of the European Union as its main partner, which is due to both the growth of trade cooperation and the presence of a high-quality gas transportation network, which allows for fast and high-quality delivery of biomethane. And it is draft law No. 9456 that is designed to regulate the specifics of customs clearance of biomethane exports to EU countries.

The basic provision of the draft law

Customs control and customs clearance of biomethane transported by pipeline transport across the customs border of Ukraine, according to foreign economic agreements (contracts), is carried out in the manner provided for natural gas.

Export conditions

  1. Export of biomethane is carried out by biomethane producers who have an account in the biomethane register defined by Article 8-1 of this Law and are directly connected to the gas transportation or gas distribution system using automatic flow devices (automatic chromatographs).
  2. Export of biomethane is permitted only in respect of that amount of biomethane that is fully received (produced) in the customs territory of Ukraine by a resident business entity, and on the condition of providing the customs authority, issued in accordance with Article 8-2 of this Law, with proof of sustainability of the produced biomethane for this amount .

Source: Верховна Рада України прийняла за основу законопроєкт №9456, який покликаний вирішити проблему з експортом біометану (

The first step towards unlocking the export of biomethane has been taken! - UABIO

Biogas in Ukraine