How the war against Ukraine affected the Black Sea and marine life

In 1996, the six coastal states of the Black Sea signed the Strategic Action Plan for the Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea. This plan was necessitated by the alarming destruction of the Black Sea’s unique natural complexes due to human impact. Today, the urgency to preserve the Black Sea is greater than ever as it faces the repercussions of the Russian invasion. What measures can be taken to mitigate the consequences for both nature and humanity?

How the war affects the Black Sea and marine life

Together with a marine biologist and a specialist from the climate department at NGO Ecoaction, Sofiia Sadohurska, Ukrainer dive into details about the uniqueness of the Black Sea, why its biodiversity needs to be protected, and how the war affects its ecosystem. We will also discover if there is any hope for the sea’s restoration and how to overcome the consequences of war.

Read the full article on the website of Ukrainer How war affects the Black Sea and marine life - Ukraїner (

which includes the following content blocks:

  • The Black Sea before the war VS now
  • Impact of the war on seas and coastal Areas
  • How Russia pollutes Ukrainian marine environment
  • The impact of war on marine animals in Ukraine