MARD Vietnam to remove difficulties in agro-forestry and fishery exports to Russia and Ukraine
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), the Russia-Ukraine tension causes Vietnam’s agricultural trade with Russia and Ukraine to be significantly reduced.

Those impacts come from the shutdown of the international payment system (SWIFT) of major Russian international banks; freezing the assets of large corporate banks; preventing import and export; stop of providing credit; supply chain disruption, ruble devaluation, inflation increase, global stock market instability...
Vietnam will also be affected by risks of international payment, supply chain disruption in import and export as major shipping companies have declared not to transport to and from Russia, leading to increased transportation costs; increasing the cost of imported inputs for basic goods; declining demand in Russia, Ukraine and related countries.
Deputy Minister Phung Duc Tien said that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will closely monitor the situation and work closely with trade associations and the State Bank of Vietnam to support payment for businesses that have exported goods to Russia but financial transactions are stalled.
The ministry will work with trade associations such as Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP), Vietnam Coffee-Cacao Association (VICOFA), Cashew Association, and Vietnam Wood and Forest Product Association. to discuss solutions to deal with immediate difficulties due to market stagnation in Russia and Ukraine.
At the same time, the MARD will find solutions to diversify export markets, including markets that previously had imported much from Russia and Ukraine for items such as seafood, wood and furniture.
The MARD will work with enterprises importing input materials to discuss solutions to stabilize input prices for domestic agricultural production.
Along with that, it is necessary to strengthen the attraction of investment enterprises to be active in essential inputs for agricultural production, processing systems and agricultural logistics.
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