ご招待状:オランダ大使館主催 「日蘭先進農業経営ワークショップ・立食夕食会」(11月29日)


ワークショップ(使用言語:英語)では、オランダ農業・自然・食品品質省の農業教育・研修に精通した専門講師や、日本人農業研修者の受入団体であるオランダ農業交流視察旅行斡旋業Stichting Uitwisseling (SUSP)責任者による講演を行います。さらに、ワーヘニンゲン農業経済研究所(WUR)起業・ビジネスイノベーション主任研究員ヨス・ファーステーフェン氏が来日し、基調講演「持続可能な食糧生産に向けて-オランダと日本における課題と展開」を行います。




ご参加を希望の方は、お手数ですが、こちらの登録リンクから 1123日までにお申込みくださいますようお願い申し上げます。

In English:

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are delighted to invite you to a workshop titled “Modern Farm Management” and to the Networking Reception afterwards, which will be hosted by our Embassy with the support of the Japan Agricultural Exchange Council (JAEC) on Wednesday 29 November, 2023 on our premises. The workshop will be held in English.

At the workshop, an expert on agricultural education and training from the Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and a representative of the Foundation for Agricultural Exchange and Study Tours (Stichting Uitwisseling – SUSP)  the receiving party of the JAEC agricultural trainees in the Netherlands, will give presentations.

For this occasion, we have invited Dr. Jos Verstegen, Senior researcher Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, Wageningen Economic Research, who will give the Keynote Speech “Towards Sustainable Food Production - Challenges and Developments in The Netherlands and Japan.”

After the presentations, there will be a panel discussion between the Dutch speakers and three Japanese panelists who have followed JAEC agricultural training in the Netherlands in the past; to discuss about the significance and the challenges of agricultural training in the Netherlands. For the programme, please download the document below. 

A buffet-dinner will follow the workshop.

We are very much looking forward to your participation at the workshop and the buffet-dinner.  Please sigh up no later than 23 November, via via this Google link.