Export of berries and fruits to the Netherlands and Germany : Guide for Ukrainian Exporters

The Berry and Fruit Export Guide to the Netherlands and Germany was developed as part of the VTrade Fruit & Berry Deepening Trade Initiative with Germany and the Netherlands, implemented by the Ukrainian Berry Association with the support of USAID Program Competitive Economy of Ukraine.

Fruit and Berries Export Guide for Ukraine

The purpose of the Guide is to provide information on the opportunities available in the fruit and berry market of the Netherlands and Germany for Ukrainian exporters, development prospects, as well as practical advice and recommendations on the necessary conditions for successful export of berries and fruits and processed products to these countries. Much attention is paid to the specific aspects of doing business in these two countries and strategies for working in these markets.

To download the guide: https://uaberries.com/biblioteka/posibnyk-dlia-eksporteriv-2