Incredible Villages of Ukraine - winner 2020
Congratulations to the village of Malomykolaivka in the Dnipro region for winning the 'Incredible Villages 2020 competition!

Orange pumpkins, an autumn festival, and new jobs for local women. These are elements of the plan of Malomykolaivka which won the competition ‘Incredible Villages of Ukraine 2020’. It was organized by online publication with support of the Embassy
Malomykolaivka won the competition out of 200 participants. The meaning of the competition is, amongst other things, to develop rural areas and regional economies, strengthen agricultural businesses, and promote green tourism.
This competition unites partners in solving global challenges together. The project contributes achieving UN Sustainable development goals: decent work and economic growth (8), sustainable development of cities and communities (11), partnership for sustainable development (17).

The village of Malomykolayivka, Dnipropetrovsk region, won the V All-Ukrainian competition "Incredible Villages of Ukraine 2020" and received the main prize - UAH 100,000 for a business project from the main partner - the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine.
Representatives of the village of Malomykolaivka managed to convince the members of the Expert Council that their business project for the production of candied fruits and vegetables, which involves the purchase of equipment for the production of candied fruit, needs the most support.

Reinoud Nuijten, Agricultural Counsellor at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine, member of the Expert Council of the competition, supports the thesis that the most valuable treasure is people, residents of Ukrainian villages, people who care about the development of their community and respect the history of their land, work on sustainable rural areas with care for the environment.
"The Netherlands contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals in Ukrainian villages “People who develop projects to provide themselves with a decent income and encourage others to run their businesses responsibly. And these are people who are making efforts to promote their village throughout Ukraine, "he said.
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