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Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland week 33, 2023

Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland is de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief van het Landbouwattachénetwerk. U wordt iedere week geattendeerd op nieuws, activiteiten en achtergrondinformatie van onze landbouwteams die werkzaam zijn op de economische afdelingen van 60 Nederlandse ambassades en/of consulaten en van daaruit 80 landen bedienen. Via de link onderaan kunt u collega's attenderen om zich ook te abonneren.

Gedurende de maanden juli en augustus wordt de nieuwsbrief tweewekelijks verzonden. Vanaf begin september ontvangt u deze weer wekelijks.

In gesprek met vertrekkend landbouwraad Wouter Verhey uit China

China kijkt met veel belangstelling naar Nederlandse technologie en kennis op het gebied van de landbouw. Dat levert voor Nederlandse bedrijven kansen op, zegt landbouwraad Wouter Verhey, tot voor kort werkzaam op de Nederlandse ambassade in Peking. Grootste uitdaging in de vijf jaar die hij in China werkte: de COVID-19-pandemie, toen reizen lastig werd dankzij quarantainemaatregelen en lockdowns.

China biedt kansen, maar we moeten niet naïef zijn

In gesprek met landbouwraad Wouter Verhey

EUROPE - Frankijk: 20% minder zout in het brood

In maart 2022 werd in Frankrijk een vrijwillige collectieve overeenkomst ondertekend door de ministeries van Voedsel en van Volksgezondheid en alle spelers in de bakkerijsector, ter verlaging van het zoutgehalte in het meest courante brood, zoals stokbrood. Dankzij de inspanningen van de hele industrie is het zoutgehalte in deze broodsoort al met meer dan 20% gedaald ten opzichte van de niveaus die in 2015 werden gemeten.

Frankrijk : 20 % minder zout in het brood

Beeld: pixabay jackmac34

- Frankrijk: na Nutriscore nu ook ‘beloningsscore’ van boeren

Het Franse ministerie van landbouw en voedselsoevereiniteit heeft een proef gelanceerd met een zogenaamde "beloningsscore", waarmee de beloning van producenten van landbouwproducten wordt weergegeven op producten. Op 29 juni 2023 werd in de Franse Staatscourant een decreet gepubliceerd, waarmee deze proef is vastgelegd voor een periode van vijf jaar, op basis van de zogenaamde Egalim 2-wet.

Frankrijk: na Nutriscore nu ook ‘beloningsscore’ van boeren

- Ireland: agri-tech fact finding mission

Do you have an innovative solution in the field of environmental management for dairy production and ruminant livestock agriculture? Do you want to learn more about the challenges and opportunities for your business and research in Ireland? Then join us on an agri-tech fact finding mission in Ireland from October 23rd to 25th. This fact finding mission is open to Dutch companies and knowledge institutions with innovative solutions for the challenges faced by Ireland.

Agri-tech fact finding mission in Ireland


- Italië: online kansenseminar en waterhandelsmissie

Water Alliance heeft samen met de RVO, de Nederlandse Ambassade en Consulaat Generaal en Isle S.r.l. een programma georganiseerd dat bestaat uit een online kansenseminar op 5 september en een handelsmissie watertechnologie die plaats vindt van 10 t/m 12 oktober, om de kansen in de Italiaanse watersector onder de aandacht te brengen.

Online kansenseminar en waterhandelsmissie naar Italië

- Poland: blueberry wonder

The Polish market has ca 40 million people. In 2022, blueberry consumption per capita reached 1.83 kg/person. Thus, the consumption of blueberries in Poland is on the similar level as the consumption of this fruit in the United States.

Polish blueberry wonder

- Portugal: studenten aan de slag met de SDGs in Alentejo

In de uitgestrekte vlaktes van de droge Alentejo vond deze zomer een SDG-challenge plaats. Een groep van veertien studenten uit Nederland en Portugal bundelde een week lang hun krachten om innovatieve en duurzame oplossingen te bedenken voor lokale uitdagingen.

Studenten aan de slag met de SDGs in de Portugese Alentejo

- Romania: value of agricultural production down by almost 16% last year

The value of agricultural production decreased by 15.8% in 2022, compared to 2021, totalling 109.56 billion RON at current prices (approx. 22 billion EUR), according to data recently published by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

Value of agricultural production in Romania, down by almost 16% last year

Farming Romania

- Spain: re-exporting oranges, taking over the role of the Netherlands

The smallest orange crop in the last twenty years was especially significant in Spain as of December 2022. Simultaneously, there has been a large increase in imports from Egypt, part of which have been destined for re-export. In view of the trend, it is worth asking whether Spain is losing its leadership in orange production and exports to its main competitor, Egypt.

Re-exporting oranges: is Spain taking over the role of the Netherlands?

Naranjas en campo

- Spain: how can tomatoes face competition from Morocco and the Netherlands?

Morocco has overtaken the Netherlands and Spain as the leading supplier of tomatoes to the UK. Morocco has become the second largest supplier of tomatoes to the EU surpassing Italy. The Netherlands will regain its production capacity and level of competitiveness next season. The key to the survival of the Spanish sector is not to produce more, but to produce better.

How can Spanish tomatoes face competition from Morocco and the Netherlands?

- Spanje: zesde editie forum digitale transformatie landbouw DATAGRI in Logroño

Op 15 en 16 november 2023 vindt de 6e editie van het internationale DATAGRI forum plaats in Logroño. Tijdens dit event worden de belangrijkste trends over digitale transformatie in de landbouwsector en de succesverhalen die dit proces in de hele waardeketen versnellen, in verschillende formaten geanalyseerd.

Zesde editie forum digitale transformatie landbouw DATAGRI in Logroño, Spanje

- Ukraine: field day horticultural project

First field day of "Stiyka Ukraina" horticultural project took place in Kyiv Region on Friday 28 July

Field day "Stiyka Ukraina"

Stiyka Ukraina field day 28.07.23

- Ukraine: micro greens in schools

Smart Garden, the knowledge platform for Ukrainian schools by professonial agrocompanies, is inviting Dutch companies to join. 

Micro greens in Ukrainian schools

- Ukraine: nature-inclusive city greening

Today Dutch Ambassador in Ukraine Jennes de Mol and representatives of Kyiv Municipal Enterprise "Kyivzelenbud" sowed wild perennial flowers in the park near the Netherlands Embassy as the first stage of the trial on nature-inclusive city greening.

Nature-inclusive city greening for Ukraine

AFRICA - Benin: agricultural residues, opportunities for circular economy

Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO): Study opportunities for circular use of agricultural residues in Benin (Ref IUC: 202205079/ PST22BJ02), initiated in July 2022 through Trinomics B. V. and ACEN Foundation, in association with local consultants in Benin and in cooperation with the IFDC project on Communal Approach to the Agricultural Market in Benin (ACMA).

Agricultural residues in Benin: opportunities for circular economy

Agricultural residues in Benin

AMERICAS - Canada/United States: strengthening the global protein transition

The global focus on sustainable and balanced protein consumption has brought Canada, the United States, and the Netherlands to the forefront of a vital transition. These countries play a crucial role in the protein transition, with the Netherlands currently holding a 40/60 plant-to-animal protein consumption ratio and aiming to achieve an equal 50/50 balance in the coming years.

Strengthening the global protein transition: the Netherlands launches innovation mission to Canada and the United States

ASIA - Indonesia: new update on Quarantine Agency

President Joko Widodo officially signed Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 45 of 2023 concerning the Indonesian Quarantine Agency. Through this regulation, the Animal & Plant Quarantine Agency at the Ministry of Agriculture, the Fish Quarantine Agency at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and the Directorate General of Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry were officially merged.

New update on Indonesian Quarantine Agency

- Japan: Westland delegation visits Mutsu City to discuss collaboration in development of new greenhouse horticulture cluster

From 19 to 21 July, two representatives of the Municipality of Westland visited Mutsu City, Aomori Prefecture, Japan, to get a better understanding of the proposed development of a new greenhouse horticulture cluster in the city that is located in the northern tip of the main island of Japan.

Westland delegation visits Mutsu City, Japan, to discuss collaboration in development of new greenhouse horticulture cluster

Westland delegation's meeting with Governor Aomori and Mayor Mutsu

- Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan: Spar Chain's strategic entry in Astana

Last week the 3rd Spar Supermarket in Kazakhstan opened in Astana. Two more have opened in Almaty and three more will open in Astana soon. Agricultural Counsellor Arie Veldhuizen together with Ambassador of the Netherlands Andre Carstens took part in the opening today.

Spar Chain's strategic entry into Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

Opening Spar

- Thailand: invitation ONEP to take part in Thai–Dutch Biodiversity Conference 2023

On Friday 11th August Mr. Jiravat Ratisoontorn, Deputy Secretary-General of ONEP Thailand welcomes Mr. Gijs Theunissen, the Dutch Agricultural Counsellor at ONEP Head Office at Phayathai, Bangkok to discuss the collaboration to jointly organize Thai – Dutch Biodiversity Conference 2023 this upcoming October 12th.

Invitation ONEP to take part in Thai–Dutch Biodiversity Conference 2023

MIDDLE EAST - Egypt: Halal Regulations will be postponed to the 31st of December 2023

Have you been preparing to certify your dairy exports with ISEG Halal? The Egyptian government has submitted a new notification to WTO postponing the implementation of Halal regulations until 31st of December 2023 (date of arrival at Egyptian ports).

Egypt: Halal Regulations will be postponed to the 31st of December 2023

- Iraq: potato industry helps Kurdistan Region with non-oil income

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), which relies heavily on oil revenues, is making significant steps towards income diversification. Potato production is becoming a landmark in this transition. This article explores the blooming potato industry in the KRI and touches upon its production, value chain, export potential, foreign business opportunities and its role in shaping the region's future economy.

Potato industry helps Kurdistan Region of Iraq with non-oil income


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