Ukrainian Parliament passed a law that allows biomethane to be exported to the EU
The document allows Ukrainian biomethane producers to export the product to European markets and join the relevant European network

The Parliament of Ukraine adopted the draft law "On amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine regarding the customs clearance of biomethane" (No. 9456). The document allows Ukrainian biomethane producers to export the product to European markets and join the relevant European network.
The draft law was developed to implement the Memorandum between the EU and Ukraine on strategic partnership in the field of biomethane, hydrogen and other synthetic gases.
According to Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Vitaliy Holovny, the new law is another step on the way to energy independence of Ukraine and the EU.
"The production of biomethane is beneficial for business and farmers. Processing waste from the production of food products, waste from animal husbandry and crop production is additional efficiency and added value for farmers and organic fertilizers. What is important is additional funds to the country's budget, jobs and the development of the Ukrainian agricultural industry," Vitaliy Holovnya said.
Currently, there are 77 biogas plants in Ukraine that can produce almost 150 million cubic meters of biomethane per year. There is also a biomethane plant. In addition, during 2024-2025, the opening of 10 new facilities with a capacity of 1.5 million cubic meters of biomethane per year is planned.
In general, by 2030, Ukraine can achieve production of up to 1 billion cubic meters of biomethane per year and take10-20% share of the EU biomethane market. The law enters into force on the day following its publication.