14 februari Exhibitions AgroSpring 2024 in Kyiv
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- Kyiv, Ukraine
International Agricultural Exhibitions: Agro Animal Show, Fruit. Vegetables. Logistics and Grain Tech Expo.

Agro Animal Show is the event aimed at promotion of modern technologies in the sphere of animal husbandry and poultry and is a unique information, trade platform, a meeting place for industry professionals.
Everyone who is professionally engaged in animal husbandry and poultry farming can get acquainted with a wide range of products: machinery and equipment for keeping and feeding, technologies for manure removal and waste utilization, feed, veterinary preparations, diagnostic tools, genetic material, etc.
Fruit. Vegetables. Logistics is the largest exhibition project in Ukraine dedicated to modern agrarian technologies in vegetable growing, industrial gardening and viticulture, as well as the presentation of technological and investment potential of fruit and vegetable growing sector. Fruit. Vegetables. Logistics is the exhibition offering professional business communication, which unites all participants of Ukrainian fruit and vegetable growing business to solve problems that occur on all stages from “a field or a garden to a consumer”.
Grain Tech Expo is the international agro-industrial exhibition that takes the leading place among specialized exhibition events in Ukraine and is aimed at promotion of innovative solutions at different stages of manufacture, storage, processing and transporting of grain, legume, cereal and oilseed crops. This agro-industrial exhibition unites the leading suppliers of equipment, dealers and representatives of manufacturing sector of both Ukrainian grain market and foreign companies
Contacts of the organizers:
Tel:+380 44 461 93 68,+380 44 490 64 69, +38 050 382 74 31
E-mail: agro@kmkya.kiev.ua