About Us
Since August 2022, Bart Pauwels is operating as the Agricultural Counselor at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Nairobi; where his working area includes both Kenya and Tanzania. For more information on the team in Tanzania, please find more information at this page.
The Agricultural department and our colleagues at the Embassy are here to stimulate trade and investment between Kenya and the Netherlands in the Agricultural Sector and strengthen value chains by working together closely with Kenyan Institutions and the Kenyan Private Sector.
Building and fostering partnerships between Kenyan and Dutch businesses & government is key to the vision of the agriculture team. Our portfolio is therefore as diverse as the activities of the Dutch Private Sector in this country.
Reflecting the key interests of Dutch businesses in Kenya, the agriculture team assists activities in different value chains in Kenya. Key areas of interest are the horticulture, the potato, the aquaculture, the diary and livestock value chains. The Agricultural Counselor is responsible for increasing market access, knowledge and innovation; creating an enabling business environment by government to government dialogues (G2G); matchmaking between companies; trade promotion activities such as trade fairs & missions; connecting companies to existing financial instruments provided by the government of the Netherlands; answering trade related questions; and monitoring wildlife crime.
The team can assist you with finding the right instrument for your idea and give you advice for your application. We also try to share all information on upcoming activities, trends & developments and studies done on this website. If you would like to receive updates (newsletter) or if you have any questions on the agriculture sector in Kenya and how the team can be of assistance to you, kindly send an e-mail to nai-lnv@minbuza.nl
Team members

Bart Pauwels - Agriculture Counsellor
Starting in August 2022, Bart Pauwels is currently working as the Agricultural Counsellor for Kenya and Tanzania at the Netherlands Embassy in Nairobi.
Read the interview (in Dutch) with Bart here: Lees interview met landbouwraad Bart Pauwels
Read the interview (in English) with Bart here: Read the interview with the Agricultural Counselor Bart Pauwels

Elizabeth Kiamba - Agricultural Advisor
I am the Agricultural Advisor in the Agriculture department since August 2015. I previously worked in the same role in 2010 and 2012. In between I worked with the Consular department of the Embassy. Before the Embassy, I worked for a private flower company for 7 years in the technical department. My role is to predominantly assist the Agriculture Counselor with the agriculture agenda. This involves linking businesses both local and Dutch businesses. At the same time working closely with the Kenyan government to foster the trade agenda in agribusiness.

Angela Swinkels - Agricultural policy Officer
Since 1 May 2022, I am the Agricultural Officer for the Agricultural Department in Nairobi & Dar es Salaam.
I will be assisting the Agricultural Team in coordinating activities, communication, as well as financial administration while we strive to attain our objectives.
Newsletter & Twitter
If you would like to be informed about the latest developments in the sector send an email to nai-lnv@minbuza.nl to subscibe to our newsletter or follow us on twitter @NLAgriKenya