Circular Economy Platform in Hungary

Circular Economy and the concept of circularity in general draws more and more attention among Hungarian industrial companies.

Stakeholders recognize the economic advantage in innovation and reduced costs from raw material intake as environmental thinking gains increasing support from company CEOs, owners and managing directors across the country. In other words: circularity is becoming part of planning, production and oversight as core approach.

On November 29th 2019 The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Budapest alongside with the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary established the Circular Economy Platform. Currently more than 60 industrial and food industry companies, including Heineken Hungaria Ltd., DSM and Unilever, signed up and expressed their commitment to circularity in the frames of a Memorandum of Understanding. The Agricultural Team in Budapest is working with Dutch-related companies all over Hungary to get more members on board and promote the vision of Circular Agriculture.

The latest, soon-to-be member of the initiative’s growing list is LC Packaging TPI Ltd., the Hungarian member of the renowned Dutch producer and distributor of agricultural packaging materials across the globe. Companies of significant raw material –especially plastic- intake, whose end-of-life products generate large amount of waste have paramount importance in shifting away from the linear approach and to halt pollution.

New members of the Platform will sign the MoU at the Dutch Ambassador’s Residence on April 15th.

If you are interested and want to learn more, please contact the Agricultural Team in Budapest at