A closer look at rural land formalization and titling in Colombia

Access to Rural Land in Colombia: an analysis to improve the legal processes related to the cadastre and formalization of rural land. This could help more people have access to land and make the processes more efficient.

Beeld: ©Land in Peace

The research, led by the Universidad Externado de Colombia, identified several obstacles that hinder the titling process, such as the complexity of legislation, lack of clarity in procedures and scarcity of resources. The study also proposed a series of recommendations to improve the process, such as simplifying legislation, clarifying procedures and increasing available resources.

Institutional agents, peasant women from communities awaiting regularization of their land, expert researchers, professors and students were some of the actors who participated in this event.

Beeld: ©Land in Peace

On August 16th, the Embassy of the Netherlands in collaboration with the Universidad Externado de Colombia, Kadaster, Conexión ICCO and Tropenbos, in the framework of the Land at scale project, held the seminar "Access to Rural Land in Colombia: Legal Analysis of the Fit-for-Purpose Approach".

This event was an opportunity to integrate different civil society actors who were able to not only discuss and socialize the results of the consultancy on land legislation, but also to identify their challenges and make recommendations for the use of collaborative methodologies.

Beeld: ©Land in Peace

The results of this seminar are expected to contribute to the fulfillment of the goals of the Peace Agreement regarding the Integral Rural Reform, as well as to promote a participative dialogue through a clearer and more relevant legal framework for land administration in Colombia.