Cooperation in the fields of innovation between Romania and Bulgaria
The Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the fields of innovation, digitalization, start-up ecosystem, high-tech development, digital connectivity and research.
On Tuesday October 3rd signatures to the document were put by Romanian Research, Innovation and Digitalization Minister Bogdan Ivan and Bulgarian Innovation and Growth Minister Milena Stoycheva.

The Memorandum is the result of a partnership between the two ministries and the joint efforts of the innovation ministers and will also promote the interaction between Bulgaria and Romania in the field of deep-tech innovation, the commercialization of the results of research projects on the EU and global markets, and the transfer of knowledge and technology. The document will also support the development of solutions related to the transition to a circular economy in both countries, as well as to attract investments in high-tech services and products. The aim is to increase the competitiveness of Bulgaria and Romania and ensure their economic growth through innovations.
The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the two ministries is a historic moment for both Romania and Bulgaria. “This is proof that we will work towards our common goals of technological development in both countries”. “This will put Romania and Bulgaria at the forefront of Iinnovation in the region”, according to minister Bogdan Ivan.