Bulgaria: LEI expert spoke on CAP impact over agricultural markers

On October 29, 2018, the 5th Applied-Scientific Forum for the Development of Agriculture and Trends in Commodity Markets was held. This year it was supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

During the forum the Centre for Agro-policy analyses (CAPA) team of the Institute of Agrarian Economics presented their updated forecasts for the development of the main sectors of Bulgarian agriculture – cereals, meat, milk and vegetables. Furthermore, the programme included lecturers from major research and academic organizations in the United States, the Netherlands and Poland.

Arie Veldhuizen, Agricultural Counselor of the Netherlands addressed the audience by encouraging Bulgarian researchers and agricultural businesses to cooperate in shaping the future national agricultural sector. He also outlined the new vision of the Netherlands Minister of Agriculture, Carola Schouten on circular agriculture aiming to balance soil, water, inputs on the one hand and agriculture production on the other hand.

An intriguing analyses of the future CAP can influence the agricultural markets was presented by Roel Jongeneel from LEI, WUR. According to his presentation the future common agricultural policy will take more account to environment and climate change. Crucial concern of the Dutch expert was that some elements of CAP, such as coupled support measures, eco-schemes and investment support, could disturb the Single EU Market

The event was attended by many official guests and partners of the institute. Active participation with inclusion in the plenary discussion was attended by representatives of various trade unions and associations in the agriculture and food industry. Important issues and challenges were discussed in a contemporary context, with a number of constructive proposals. Among the main participants were representatives of the academic community, experts from the Ministry of Health and other public organizations, experts and specialists in the field, the NGO sector, the media.