Bulgaria Newsflash Week 48
Politician’s vision on the Bulgarian agricultural sector; Farm land use in Bulgaria, Troubles in the pig breeding; and two delicious and healthy food novelties - Brain Foods vegan wafer and Gelato & Latte buffalo yogurt ice-cream: Read the stories in our latest Bulgaria Newsflash!

Agriculture: an important issue in the talks towards formation of new government in Bulgaria
Support for local producers through additional financing and modernization of the agricultural infrastructure was one of the ideas discussed in the talks between the parties which are likely to form the future Bulgarian government following the snap general elections on November 21. The proposals that were discussed also included:
- An integrated land estate register and access to land for young farmers;
- Enhancing the competitiveness of small producers and making sure they have a market;
- Building irrigation trunk lines;
- Preparing and adopting a national forestry strategy;
- Urgent measures for the vine and wine sector;
- More efficient controls against the illegal import of pesticides;
- Popularizing bee products and taking measures to protect traditional Bulgarian foods.

Used farm land in Bulgaria increases every year
The number of farms dropped by 64% over a decade, according to an Agriculture Ministry analysis published in Agrozona. In 2003, they totalled 665,548, came down to 370,222 in 2010 with a prevalence of small and mid-sized farms, and dropped further to 132,633 in 2020. Of that number, 13,440 did not cultivate the land. The same period, however, saw a considerable increase of the total used land. In 2003 it was 2,904,480 ha. Following Bulgaria’s accession to the EU in 2007, interest in the consolidation of farm land became considerable and over a period of three years the used farm land reached 3,616,965 ha (+25%). The average farm size broadened to 10 ha in 2010 from 4 ha in 2007. That was a result of the increase of arable land (by 17%) and of the permanently grassed land (+256%). In 2020, the average farm size was 33 ha.

Bulgaria supports urgent EU-wide measures in swine breeding
Bulgaria supports the introduction of urgent EU-wide measures in the swine sector as the entire industry is faced with a serious crisis, Bulgarian Deputy Agriculture Minister Georgi Subev said during an Agriculture and Fisteries Council. Meat producers are in a very difficult market situation due to the restrictions over African swine fever, the more stringent COVID-related requirements for slaughterhouses, the increased expenses for feed and excessive supply on the European market which is holding down price levels. Subev brought up the issue of the considerable increase of production prices in agriculture and more specifically the costs for fuel and electricity, which is sure to create difficulties for agricultural producers.
German financing for Bulgarian vegan food startup Brain Foods
The German-based ProVeg Incubator invested EUR 70,000 in a 4% share in the Bulgarian startup for vegan foods, Brain Foods, reports Capital weekly. It is among six startups from Israel, India, Japan, Estonia and the Netherlands, which became part of the incubators for vegan businesses, selected from among 130 applying companies from across the world.
Brain Foods is a Bulgarian brand for vegan foods, which has been on the market since June 2020. It started on an initial investment of BGN 100,000 of own funding, said owner Plamen Medarov. Its market breakthrough was brought by a vegan wafer which has 95% less sugar than standard wafers and tastes like milk chocolate.

Bulgarian ice-cream makes it among Europe’s Top 10 ice-creams
Ice-cream made by Rozino Organic Farm made it among Europe’s Top Ten ice-cream flavours at the Gelato World Heritage festival organized by L’Accademia del Gelato Artigianale Alberto Pica. The Rozino ice-cream uses locally produced ingredients in the red, green and white colour of the Bulgarian national flag, reports Agrozona. It is made of buffalo yogurt made from milk of the Bulgarian Murrah buffalo breed, wild berries, turmeric and blue spirulina with white chocolate topping.