Ukrainian Business Journal: Agriculture Opportunity Reports

In this publication we present the Ukrainian Business Journal (UBJ) Opportunity Report on Agriculture produced with the cooperation of UkraineInvest.



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Ukrainian Business Journal
Beeld: ©UkraineInvest

"Historically known as the “bread basket of Europe”, Ukraine is now focused on becoming the “food basket” of the world.

Ukrainian agriculture, which already enjoys substantial cost advantages due to attractive land prices, extremely fertile soil, lower wages and competitive logistics, still has plenty of headroom for productivity growth. Plans to develop new and diversified infrastructure transport systems are providing additional investment opportunities as they stimulate the efficient shipment of agricultural production to global markets.

'Innovation and Opportunity’ are increasingly playing a significant role in these developments and powering the country’s growing integration into the global value chain. Innovative technologies are the driving force in this area as they advance the rapid implementation of the latest smart farming techniques, the use of sensors, drones and automation at all levels.

With additional investments into management, education, irrigation, farming techniques, logistics and seed production, Ukraine is poised to double its annual grain harvests to approximately 120 million tons per annum. At this rate, Ukraine is on the road to becoming a global agricultural powerhouse."