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Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland week 31, 2023

Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland is de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief van het Landbouwattachénetwerk. U wordt iedere week geattendeerd op nieuws, activiteiten en achtergrondinformatie van onze landbouwteams die werkzaam zijn op de economische afdelingen van 60 Nederlandse ambassades en/of consulaten en van daaruit 80 landen bedienen. Via de link onderaan kunt u collega's attenderen om zich ook te abonneren.

Gedurende de maanden juli en augustus wordt de nieuwsbrief tweewekelijks verzonden. Vanaf begin september ontvangt u deze weer wekelijks.

In gesprek met vertrekkend landbouwraad Nina Berendsen in Spanje

Nina Berendsen, vertrekkend landbouwraad op de Nederlandse ambassade in Madrid, heeft de afgelopen jaren veel energie gestoken in het verder uitbouwen van de beleidsdialoog tussen beide landen. ‘Droogte was een rode draad, dat is een enorm probleem in Spanje en Portugal. Op de langere duur dreigt 75 procent van Spanje in een woestijn te veranderen.’

Spanje en Nederland lijken meer op elkaar dan we denken

In gesprek met vertrekkend landbouwraad Spanje, Nina Berendsen

EUROPE - België: staat van de landbouw in 2022

België, één land, maar met duidelijk verschillende landbouwsystemen in Vlaanderen en Wallonië. De publicatie “Kerncijfers Landbouw 2023” van Statbel laat zien dat de hele Belgische landbouw desondanks sterk op veeteelt is georiënteerd én met gemeenschappelijke uitdagingen wordt geconfronteerd.

België: staat van de landbouw in 2022

luchtfoto van het Belgische agrarische landschap: weides, akkers, lintbebouwing
Beeld: ©Canva

- Frankrijk: herschikking regering, geen grote veranderingen op landbouw en natuur

Afgelopen week kwam een einde aan een lange periode van onzekerheid rond een op handen zijnde herschikking van de Franse regering. Geen grote veranderingen in de nieuwe regeringsploeg, wel een nieuwe staatssecretaris voor biodiversiteit.

Herschikking Franse regering, geen grote veranderingen op landbouw en natuur


- Poland: crisis in dairy sector

This is evidenced not only by the industry's increasingly poor economic performance, with reports of milk payment problems coming from many small plants and cooperatives to the Polish Milk Chamber.

Crisis in the Polish dairy sector

- Romania: dairy processors collect more milk and reduce imports

Processing units in Romania collected 512,744 tonnes of cow's milk in the first five months of the year, up 13.2% compared to the same period last year, according to data published by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

Romanian dairy processors collect more milk and reduce imports

- Ukraine: some 60,000 tonnes of grain destroyed because of the Russian strikes

According to the press service of the ministry, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine made an announcement. The announcement stated that there had been an incident of destruction of 60,000 tonnes of grain in the seaports of Odesa and Chornomorsk. This destruction occurred as a result of Russian strikes on July 18 and 19.

The Minister further called on the world community to respond strongly to this act of agression.

Some 60,000 tonnes of grain destroyed because of the Russian strikes on the Ukrainian seaports

- Verenigd Koninkrijk: innovatiemissie open teelt groente en fruit bevestigt gemeenschappelijke uitdagingen en kansen voor samenwerking

De open teelt van groente en fruit kent in het VK vergelijkbare uitdagingen als in Nederland rond de beschikbaarheid van personeel, gewasbescherming, en duurzaam gebruik van water. In het VK, net als in Nederland, investeert de sector daarom in verdergaande automatisering en precisietoepassingen zoals door robotisering en digitalisering, in de teelt en verwerking van groente en fruit.

Innovatiemissie VK open teelt groente en fruit bevestigt gemeenschappelijke uitdagingen en kansen voor samenwerking

LAN-Londen en RVO organiseerden een LNV-Innovatiemissie

AFRICA - Ethiopia: Green Legacy Initiative

In order to create a sustainable and resilient economy, Ethiopia adopted the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy in 2011. Within those regulatory frameworks, Ethiopia has been carrying out a variety of projects over the years in order to create a sustainable and resilient economy.

Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative

- Ethiopia: fruits and vegetables exporters supported by CBI to shift to sea-freight

The Netherlands Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) is an Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. It was established in 1971 with an objective to  contribute to a sustainable and inclusive economic development in developing countries. This is done by strengthening the economic, social and environmental sustainability of local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through the expansion of exports of value-added products to European and regional markets.

Ethiopian fruits and vegetables exporters supported by CBI to shift to sea-freight

- Ghana: courtesy call on Minister of Food and Agriculture

The Ambassador of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E Jeroen Verheul, and his team paid a courtesy visit to Hon. Bryan Acheampong, the newly appointed Minister of Agriculture in Ghana. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the Embassy's Multi-Annual Strategy in agriculture, with a specific focus on Ghana's Cocoa and Horticultural sectors.

Ghana: courtesy call on Minister of Food and Agriculture

- Nigeria: discover the best of Dutch agriculture at the Agro Food Fair

With Nigeria’s rapidly growing food, agro and horticulture sectors, Dutch private sector products and services could assist these sectors to produce enough fresh and high-quality food. As a platform to strengthen the relationship between the two countries and seek potential partnerships in agri-food and horticulture, a Dutch pavilion was set up at the Nigeria Agrofood trade show and conference held in Lagos.

From the Netherlands to Nigeria: discover the best of Dutch agriculture at the Agro Food Fair

Group picture

- Tanzania: the crucial role of PUM Netherlands in supporting local businesses and fostering economic development

PUM Netherlands, a renowned organization specializing in volunteer expert advice, has been actively engaged in Tanzania for several years. PUM's commitment to knowledge exchange and capacity building has played a crucial role in supporting local businesses and fostering economic development in Tanzania. In this country, PUM Netherlands primarily focuses on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This article aims to shed light on the remarkable activities and impact of PUM Netherlands in Tanzania.

PUM Netherlands: empowering Tanzania through knowledge exchange

MOU signing between PUM Netherlands and the Tanzania Bakers Association (TBA) - image 3

AMERICAS - Canada/United States: strengthening the global protein transition, the Netherlands launches innovation mission

The global focus on sustainable and balanced protein consumption has brought Canada, the United States, and the Netherlands to the forefront of a vital transition. These countries play a crucial role in the protein transition, with the Netherlands currently holding a 40/60 plant-to-animal protein consumption ratio and aiming to achieve an equal 50/50 balance in the coming years.

Strengthening the global protein transition: the Netherlands launches innovation mission to Canada and the United States

- Cuba: combatting the salinization in their agriculture

Over the last few years, the Netherlands and Cuba, with support from FAO Cuba, the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture and the agricultural team of the Netherlands Embassy in Havana, have collaborated closely to better understand and combat the problem of salinization in Cuban agriculture. Experts from The Salt Doctors, a social enterprise from the Netherlands specialized in crop production under saline conditions, have been key in this process and have visited Cuba twice as part of this joint effort.

Cuba, FAO and the Netherlands continue to fight salinization in Cuban agriculture

Beeld: ©Erik Plaisier

- Kazakhstan: join the Netherlands Pavilion at AgroWorld!

Are you active in the agriculture industry? Are you looking for new opportunities in Kazakhstan and Central Asia or wish to expand your market further? The 17th International Exhibition AgroWorld Kazakhstan 2023, one of the major agricultural expos in this country, will take place in Almaty on 1-3 November 2023.

Join the Netherlands Pavilion at AgroWorld Kazakhstan!

MIDDLE EAST - Saoedi-Arabië: optimalisatie waardeketen voedselsector

Saoedi-Arabië heeft de sterke ambitie om de voedselzekerheid in het land te verbeteren door verdere uitbreiding van de lokale productie. Nederland kan daarbij haar prominente rol in de Saoedische landbouw en voedsel sectoren verder vergroten. Tijdens het bezoek van het Saoedische Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture aan Nederland bleek dat Nederlandse know-how hierin een veelbelovende rol kan spelen.

Saoedi-Arabië optimaliseert waardeketen voedselsector


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