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Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland week 10, 2022

Highlights Agroberichten Buitenland is de wekelijkse nieuwsbrief van het Landbouwattachénetwerk. U wordt iedere week geattendeerd op nieuws, activiteiten en achtergrondinformatie van 60 landbouwteams actief in 80 landen.

EUROPA - Duitsland: regering zet volop in op bioketen

De marktwaarde van de biologische voedselketen in Duitsland groeit hard. Dat is mede te danken aan het stimulerende overheidsbeleid. Nederlandse exporteurs in biologische voedingsmiddelen kunnen daarvan profiteren. Maar die afzet komt niet vanzelf. Dat zeggen landbouwraad Peter Vermeij en landbouwadviseur Anna Sandl.

‘Duitse regering zet volop in op bioketen’

Biologische supermarkt Alnatura in München

- Poland: 70% of Poles buy free-range eggs

70% of Poles buy free-range eggs. In recent years, the awareness of this issue among Polish consumers has increased dramatically. As a result, food producers do not use caged eggs. An example is Lubella, the largest pasta producer in Poland. If not free range, Poles also buy barn and organic eggs as an alternative to cage farming.

Poles liked free-range eggs

- Spain: competitiveness, sustainability and traceability, key issues for modernizing agriculture

The government has given the green light to the strategic plan for the agro-food sector, with €1 billion in public investment from European funds. A further €2 billion in private investment is expected to be attracted. This is the fourth recovery plan of the Spanish government and a fifth one will be approved this Q1.

Spain: Competitiveness, sustainability and traceability, key issues for modernizing Spanish agriculture

- Romania: modern food retailers unveil plans for 600 new stores

Modern food retailers in Romania target some 600 new store openings and relocations in 2022, which means the universe of local hypermarkets, supermarkets, modern convenience stores, discount and cash & carry stores will be nearing 4,500 units, in line with calculations by Ziarul Financiar daily.

Romania: modern food retailers unveil plans for 600 new stores

food store
Beeld: ©

- Hungary: limiting the export of cereals

Cereal prices are rising due to the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. The Hungarian government reacted with a drastic measure.

Hungary limits the export of cereals

- Serbia: newsflash week 9, 2022

The far-reaching effects of the war in Ukraine, farmers suspending their protest against the government, agro digitalization streamlines employment administration, training started for farmers on precision agriculture farm management, and the Serbia-Hungary business forum. Read the current news in Serbian agriculture.

Serbia Newasflash Week 9

- Hungary: newsflash week 9, 2022

The effects of the crises on the economy, fuel price cap extended to wholesale with implications for farming, rising land prices, annual subsidy for orchard planting expanded to include ecological horticulture, a new, modern joint agrifood program started involving seven European universities, and farmers joining NGOs and citizens in the effort to aid refugees. Read the current news in Hungarian agriculture.

Hungary Newsflash, Week 9, 2022

AZIË - Japan: amending positive list for food contact materials

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) of Japan is going to amend the positive list on food contact materials. A provisional list has been made available on the their website.

Japan to amend positive list for food contact materials

Dutch cheese products at Foodex 2022

- Vietnam: enjoying strong growth in agricultural trade surplus

Vietnam has enjoyed a trade surplus of US$1.8 billion from agriculture, forestries and fisheries during the first two months of the year, 86.7 per cent higher last year's figure, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).

Vietnam enjoys strong growth in agricultural trade surplus

MIDDEN-OOSTEN - 'Nederlandse tuinbouwkennis cruciaal voor Arabische Emiraten'

Opschaling van de bedekte tuinbouw is van groot belang voor de voedselzekerheid in de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten (VAE). De Nederlandse tuinbouwketen kan hierbij een belangrijke rol spelen. Dat zegt Tariq Zaidi op basis van de analyse van de ontwikkelingen in het land. Zaidi is Nederlandse rijkstrainee (bij het ministerie van LNV) op het Nederlands consulaat-generaal in Dubai.

'Nederlandse tuinbouwkennis cruciaal voor Arabische Emiraten'

Tariq Zaidi

AFRIKA - Kenya: working together with the Netherlands towards circular agriculture

Kenya has the ambition to become more sustainable. Circular agriculture has clear benefits for the public and private sector in Kenya. This is shown by the solid legislations as well as the good practices. The Netherlands works together with other countries in their ambition to develop circular agriculture.

Kenya and the Netherlands working together towards circular agriculture in Kenya

Circular agriculture
Beeld: ©Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality

AMERIKA - Colombia: Nederland Lounge op FENAVI Pluimvee Congres

Bent u actief in de pluimveesector en geïnteresseerd in Colombia? Neem dan deel aan het 20e Nationale Pluimvee Congres dat plaats vindt van 2 t/m 5 november 2022 in Medellin, Colombia. Deelname aan de Nederland Lounge wordt georganiseerd door het ministerie van LNV en de landbouwraad bij de Nederlandse ambassade te Bogotá in samenwerking met Holland House Colombia. Aanmelden kan tot uiterlijk 31 mei 2022.

Nederland Lounge op FENAVI Pluimvee Congres