Online workshop on promoting circular agriculture in Indonesia

Considering that the planet's boundaries reach their limits, affecting continuous resource availability, declining biodiversity, worsening climate change, and polluting the environment; how do we maintain or increase production in a sustainable manner with minimal use of resources? You can join a national online workshop titled “Circular Agriculture for Indonesia’s Agrifood System Transformation” to be held on 15 and 16 December 2021.

Reflecting on the question above, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Indonesia together with the PENTA Foundation will hold a national workshop with the title of “Circular Agriculture for Indonesia’s Agrifood System Transformation”. This activity will be held online on 15 and 16 December 2021 with the target participants coming from agricultural practitioners and NGO activists. Workshop with aims to promote circular agriculture in Indonesian context is held based on cooperation with The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration; Wageningen University & Research; Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science; IAAS Indonesia; and Young Agripreneurs Ambassador.

Circular Agriculture is an agricultural system in which resources are used efficiently; connected in a closed or circular cycle to minimize wasted material. Circular Agriculture optimizes the use of all biomass. Achieving circularity in agricultural production requires careful integration between crop and livestock supply chains.


The opening keynote speech will be presented by Mr. Samsul Widodo, Advisor to the Minister on Inter-Institutional Relations at Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration; followed by Mr. Rik Eweg, Ph.D., Professor Regional Transition towards Circular Agriculture at the Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science; dr. ing. Jan Verhagen, M.Sc., Agroecosystem research expert at Wageningen University & Research; and I Kadek Gandhi, a young agripreneur who is the owner of Strawberry Corps. After the opening session, the participants will discuss through breakout rooms to produce recommendations regarding the practice of Circular Agriculture for their respective areas.

The second day’s activities will be presentations and regional discussion covering the areas of Sumatra, Java, Bali, and East Nusa Tenggara, as well as discussion on Circular Agriculture practices with young agripreneurs, featuring Rici Solihin, the owner of Paprici who is also a lecturer of STIE Ekuitas in Bandung, West Java; Gestianus Sino, the owner of GS Organik in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara; and Apni Olivia Naibaho, the owner of Siantar Sehat in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatera.

As the final edition of a series of activities to promote circular agriculture, this workshop aims to show that preserving the environment is the most important aspect of our agri-food system. How do we apply circular agriculture in Indonesia? The concluding answer to this question will be a draw after the workshop.

Before this workshop, in March 2021, JAK-LNV organized a webinar to introduce the vision of the “NL Circular Agriculture”. Invited were relevant government officials, NGO activists, universities, as well as private sectors from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Mid-October 2021, JAK-LNV collaborated with IAAS-Indonesia, the national branch of the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS), to organize a Circular Agrifood Youth Challenge named “Youth Agrinity Festival (YAF)” that adopted the “Youth’s Action with Circular Agrifood”.  Great enthusiasm to participate in YAF competition and previous workshop of “NL Circular Agriculture” bring about a hope that more stakeholders in the agri-food sector will apply an agroecological approach for Indonesian agri-food sector development that progress in harmony with nature.


To join this event, please register in here:

For any further question, please contact: PENTA, Ms. Mitha Maula Paramitha,