Nieuwe handelsrelatie EU-VK: een lijst van links naar de belangrijkste Britse guidances
Sinds 1 januari 2021 is er een nieuwe handelssituatie ontstaan tussen het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de Europese Unie. Er is daardoor veel veranderd in de manier waarop beide landen zaken kunnen doen met elkaar. Om bedrijven zo goed mogelijk te informeren over de nieuwe regels heeft de Britse overheid een lange lijst van guidances gepubliceerd. Hieronder een opsomming van de belangrijkste guidances voor, onder andere, de import van dieren en dierlijke producten en planten en plantaardige producten.

Voor informatie van de Nederlandse overheid over de nieuwe regels en processen kunt u terecht bij het Brexitloket.
Algemene informatie van de Britse overheid is te vinden via de Brexit: new rules are here website. Informatie over de nieuwe importprocedures in het VK is te vinden in het Border Operating Model.
De Britse guidances worden nog met enige regelmaat geüpdatet met nieuwe of aanvullende informatie. Controleer dus altijd of u de laatste informatie heeft gezien.
Planten en plantaardige producten
- Import plants and plant products from the EU to Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Importing and exporting fresh fruit and vegetables
- Plant health controls
- Plant species by import category
- List of plants, plant products and objects which need a plant passport for movement within GB
- Import requirements for plants, plant produce and products
- Issue plant passports to move regulated plant material in Great Britain
- Get plant breeders’ rights for your new variety
- Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS)
- Using the PEACH system to import plants and fresh produce
- Regulations: timber and FLEGT licences
- Apply to have seeds certified for marketing
UK Plant Health Information Portal
- Guidance on how to import and export plants and plant products to and from the UK and the EU
- General Information and Question and Answer Guides
- Importing plants and plant products from the EU
- Plant Passporting
- IT Systems
- Plant Varieties and Seeds
Dieren en dierlijke producten
- Import live animals and germinal products from the EU to Great Britain
- Import animal by-products and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin from the EU to Great Britain
- Import or move horses and ponies
- Import eggs to Great Britain
- Health certificates for animal and animal product imports to Great Britain
- Exporting to the UK: countries and establishments approved to export animals and animal products
- Animal welfare
- Veterinary Medicines Directorate's Information Hub
- Landbridge movements: Transiting animals and animal products through Great Britain
- Import notification for products of animal origin under safeguard measures (IV70)
Vis en visserijproducten
- Fisheries businesses: working after Brexit transition
- Importing or moving fish to the UK
- Importing or moving live fish and shellfish
- Aquatic animal health and movements guides
- How to export wild caught marine fishery products to the EU from 01 January 2021 (o.a. voor Brits gevlagde vaartuigen met NL eigenaar)
- United Kingdom Single Issuing Authority (UKSIA) (visvergunningen verstrekt door de Marine Management Organisation van het VK)
- Fresh fruit and vegetable marketing standards
- Import and Export of Fruit and Vegetables between GB and EU subject to Marketing Standards
- Hops and hops products marketing standards
- Poultry meat marketing standards
- Egg marketing standards
- Hatching eggs and chicks marketing standards
- Beef and veal marketing standards
Biologische producten
- Import or export endangered species: check if you need a CITES permit
- Trading CITES-listed specimens through UK ports and airports
Food & Drink
- Import food and drink from the EU to Great Britain
- Importing, selling and labelling wine
- Labelling spirit drinks
- Food labelling and packaging
- Nutrition legislation information sources
- Protected geographical food and drink names: UK GI schemes
- High risk food and feed of non-animal origin (HRFNAO): official certificates
Border Control Posts
- UK border control posts: animal and animal product imports
- Plant imports: authorised border control posts in the UK
- List of ports using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service
- Map: Border Control Posts in the UK
- Plastic Packaging Tax
- Declaring reusable packaging for Great Britain imports and exports from 1 January 2021
- Rules of origin for goods moving between the UK and EU
- Defra EU Rules of Origin Business Guidance
- Tariffs on goods imported into the UK (voor producten uit landen zonder handelsovereenkomst met het VK of zonder preferentiële toegang tot het VK)
- Manufacturing and marketing fertilisers
- How to comply with REACH chemical regulations
- Regulating chemicals
- Developing genetically modified organisms
- Bring your pet to Great Britain: step by step