Dutch pavilion in Irapuato, Mexico
The 24th edition of the most important Agro-Food event in Latin America, The Expo AgroAlimentaria Guanajuato, takes place from Tuesday November 12th to Friday November 15th in Irapuato (Mexico).
The Expo has 1,300 exhibitor spaces and a total surface of more than 63 hectares. About 126.000 visitors are expected. The Expo is divided in an indoor and an outdoor area.
Of course the Dutch are present!

Holland pavilion
Visit the Holland pavilion, enjoy a typical fresh-baked Dutch cookie called stroopwafel, and have interesting and useful conversations with the representatives of the different companies and the agriculture team of the Dutch embassy in Mexico.
Participating companies
The companies which are part of the pavilion are:
PRIVA América Latina (Stands 609 - 610 – 637 -638) www.priva.mx
DQ Horti Soluciones (Stand 709 - 710) www.hortisoluciones.com
Cultilene (Stand 737) www.cultilene.com
Plantanova (Stand 738) www.plantanova.com.mx
Horticonnect (Stand 809 – 810) www.horticonnect.com.mx
Van der Knaap – Forteco (Stand 837) www.vanderknaap.info/es/
Patron Agri Systems International (Stand 838) www.patronagrisystemsinternational.com
Hoogendoorn Latin America (Stand 909 – 910) www.hoogendoorn.nl/es/
Weber Cooling (Stand 937) https://www.webercooling.com/es/
VB Group (Stand 938) www.vb.nl
Kekkilä-BVB (Stand 1009) www.kekkila-bvb.com
Embajada del Reino de los Países Bajos (Stand 1010) www.paisesbajosytu.nl
Tebarex (Stand 1037) www.tebarex.com
Mprise Agriware (Stand 1038) www.mprise.nl/
Royal Brinkman México (Stands 1109 – 1110 – 1137) www.royalbrinkman.com.mx
Compañía de Servicios Control Unión De México (Stand 1138) www.petersoncontrolunion.com/es
Ridder Group (Stands 1111 – 1139) www.ridder.com
Aweta Americas (Stands 1207 – 1208 – 1236 – 1237) www.aweta.nl
Semillas Globales (Stand 1210)

Seminar Thursday November 14th

The conference program of the expo consists of more than 50 speakers. Don’t forget to attend the seminar the Dutch embassy and the Mexican organization for protected horticulture (AMHPAC) organize on Thursday November 14th (Salón de Conferencias “B” - 12:00 to 15:00).
During the seminar “Cultivar es Innovar – experiencias de Mexico y Holanda” three interesting speakers will inform you about:
• Protected horticulture in Mexico – challenges and opportunities for export
• Growing on substrate
• Growing by Plant Empowerment
The seminar will be in Spanish.