Spain: Palm oil is the ingredient considered most harmful by Spanish consumers

In the study by GfK “Conscious eating”, it appears that the packaged food composition continues to be a cause of concern for Spaniards. Palm oil remains considered as the most harmful ingredient.

More than 76% of Spanish consumers are concerned about the composition of packaged food, while for 60%, the perception of this type of food has worsened in the last year.

This study was carried out through 1,500 surveys to a representative sample of the Spanish population between 16 and 69 years old. It also shows that six out of ten Spaniards declare to follow some type of diet to eliminate ingredients perceived as harmful to their health from their food.

In this sense, palm oil remains considered as the most harmful ingredient, mentioned by 68% of the respondents. Spanish consumers associate it with both cancer and cardiovascular diseases and 54% state that they have eliminated or reduced it from their diet, 7% more than the previous year.

Trans or hydrogenated fats and saturated fats complete the trio with the highest number of mentions as ingredients considered negative, with 49% and 46% mentions, respectively.

Sugar is among the most harmful ingredients for 33% of responders. Honey is still its preferred substitute, while stevia seems losing some importance.

Industrial bakery, along with sausages, is the category in which consumers most demand a change in composition. They also call for a composition change in pizzas, soft drinks, salty snacks, spreads and noodles as consumers are not willing to give up their flavor, which means a great challenge for companies.
