Polish farmers interested in renewable energy

Polish farmers are strongly interested in investing in renewable energy and improving the energy efficiency of their farms. Applications for support worth over PLN 6.5 million were submitted.

Euro biljetten
Beeld: ©Murawska

Farmers are interested in investing in:

  • agricultural biogas plants,
  • micro-installations producing energy from solar radiation or
  • solutions improving the energy efficiency of farms.

The budget for subsidies in the form of refunds of up to 65% of investment costs comes from the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy.

Directions of funding

The co-financing covers three investment areas:

  • A – construction of new agricultural biogas plants (PLN 1.5 million)
  • B – purchase of photovoltaic micro-installations and installations for generating thermal energy from solar radiation (including additional equipment) (up to PLN 200,000)
  • C – investments aimed at improving the energy efficiency of farm buildings, e.g. insulating walls and floors (up to PLN 200,000).

The total limit of aid per one beneficiary during the implementation period of the CAP 2023-2027 is for areas: A and B - PLN 1.5 million; A and C – PLN 1.7 million; B and C – 400 thousand zloty; A, B and C – PLN 1.7 million.

Farmers can apply for aid from January 25 to February 23, 2024.
So far, 60 applications for support amounting to over PLN 6.5 million have been submitted.

Source: SadyOgrody.pl