Poland: online recipe contest

Would you like to share with us your favorite Christmas dish? Does your family have any traditional dish that you always make for Christmas?

Now it is a time to share your precious recipe with us and get a chance to win a special present from our AGRI Warsaw team.

table coverd with table cloth and board ready to start a Christmas meal
Beeld: ©Pexels

Just submit your original and totally yummy recipe. You can also add a photograph of yourself or picture of your completed dish or a movie. Submitted recipes will be judged on originality and uniqueness by us and shared with all our readers on the website just before the Christmas celebration. We will select best recipes and publish them online.

You can submit your recipe by e- mail: war-lnv@minbuza.nl by 15 December 2020.

We look forward to your submissions.

AGRI Warsaw team