Season for first communion and weddings has started

May is traditionally associated with first communions in Poland. For this reason the demand for white, ecru and other light and ‘pure colors’ flowers is growing in this period of the year in Poland.

Beeld: ©Murawska

Etheric flowers like forget-me-nots, daisies, sapphires, lilies of the valley are the most popular in the Polish ornamental sector as thy are used for wreaths and bouqets for girls and for the decoration of churches. Also gypsophila is undergoing a popularity renaissance in Poland.

Additionally green leaves like hosta or asparagus becoming again popular in Poland and are more often used as the main decoration of the church for weddings.

Traditionally not many weddings were organized in Poland in May due to an old superstition that one can marry only in the month with a vibrant consonant ‘r’ in it. Therefore months like June (czerwiec), August (sierpień), October (październik) and December (grudzień) are the most occupied for weddings in Poland. But also this is changing and many white flowers that were associated with communion are now used for wedding decorations.

Source: Bronisze, PAP