26 september APSul América - International Precision Agriculture Congress

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  • Datum -
  • Tijd
  • Locatie Brazilië, Rio Grande do Sul, Não Me Toque, Parque Expodireto Cotrijal

The APSUL América is an international precision agriculture meeting, that is held every two years in Não Me Toque, Rio Grande do Sul, with the Federal University of Santa Maria, Não Me Toque Farmers Association, Cotrijal (Farmers coop) and Não Me Toque municipality.

The meeting is addressed to farmers, consultants, students, machinery industry and start-up and innovation companies.

The goal of the meeting is scaling up precision agriculture and innovation in Brazil.

Contact: Ms. Teodora Lütkemeyer, President APSul - teodoralutk@hotmail.com

APsul 2023 Não Me Toque
Beeld: Presentatie organisatie