Law on fisheries in Romania was published
On the 3rd of June, the law on fishing and the protection of living aquatic resources in Romania came into force. The law establishes the legal framework regarding the fishing activity from the perspective of protection, conservation, repopulation, administration and exploitation of living aquatic resources from natural aquatic habitats, as well as the marketing of the products obtained from fishing when this activity is carried out. This, in the territory of Romania and in the waters under the national jurisdiction of Romania, by ships under the Romanian flag or under the flag of other states.

What the law regulates
According to this law, natural aquatic habitats are defined. Also, it regulate recreational fishing in natural aquatic habitats, fishing for scientific purposes, the policy of the fishing sector, as well as measures regarding the organization of the market for fishery products. It also establishes the sanctions regime. The policy on fisheries in natural aquatic habitats is carried out by the National Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture (under Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Developments).
Financial aspects
For the waters at the state border, the prohibited periods, the fishing rules, as well as the living aquatic resources protection zones, are established in accordance with the international conventions concluded with the riparian states.
The law also stipulates that, for reservoirs intended for the production of electricity during the prohibited periods , the lowering of the water level is prohibited, in order to ensure the protection of spawning areas, except for considerations of prevention of natural disasters.
At the same time, a Fisheries Development Fund is established, managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is made up of the fees for the issue of notices, licenses, authorizations, permits and fees to finance fisheries development programs, including fish stocking or restocking programs. The use of the Fisheries Development Fund shall be determined annually by the central public authority responsible for fisheries and aquaculture.