Doing business and supporting Ukraine - the story of Arno Klijbroek
Arno Klijbroek's company imports tulips and vegetable processing lines to Ukraine, but from the start of full-scale invasion he provides all kind of support to Ukrainian people.

Arno Klijbroek, a Dutch entrepreneur, has been living in Ukraine for almost 30 years, actively working in horticulture and floriculture. His company imports tulips and vegetable processing lines. Since the first days of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Arno together with The Leeuw Kyiv Foundation (, Dutch community and their Ukrainian partner Unbreakable Hearts: Irpin Voluntary Association ( is provideing all kind of support to Ukrainian people and need.
Read the article Arno helpt Oekraïne non-stop: "De oorlog, je staat er mee op en gaat ermee naar bed" on NH Nieuws to learn more about business and volunteer routine of Arno for the last two years.
Follow Stichting De Leeuw Kyiv | LinkedIn, Stichting De Leeuw Kyiv Facebook and Unbreakable Hearts: Irpin Voluntary Association and in social media.