Conference 'Towards halving food waste in Europe' in the Netherlands

On 18 and 19 June 2024, Food Waste Free United organizes the international conference Towards Halving Food Waste in Europe at ‘Cultuurhaven Veghel’ (Noord-Brabant), the Netherlands. This event will bring together representatives from companies, public- and scientific organizations, and civil society from all over the world with ambitions of halving food waste by 2030.

Good company

Several European partners who can contribute to halving food waste have already registered to the conference: key decision makers, public authorities, business leaders, European Commission members, business innovation domain experts, solution providers but also frontrunner organizations from outside Europe. And you are invited too!

Inspiration on stage and in the field

Day 1 will focus on knowledge sharing, inspiration, interaction and connection. We will have keynote speakers from the Champions 12.3 Coalition, EU DG Sante, the launch of new international coalitions, and many good practices from the Netherlands and other countries.

OECD will present the latest overview of the international policy landscape on food loss and waste reduction. And of course ample time to meet and connect.

On Day 2, you will be able to actually visit some of the leading businesses in reducing food waste. Consider e.g. insects to valorise organic surplus, chefs’ food waste free catering tricks, food waste free farmers, retailers’ responsibility to engage with consumers to become food waste free, how 'food for feed for food' feeds the world and many more companies with key solutions and innovations to prevent and reduce food waste.


Cultuurhaven Veghel

10-12, Verlengde Noordkade
5462 EH Veghel - The Netherlands

Find the full program (and more information) on:

Key partners

Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality, the province of North Brabant, the municipality of Meierijstad, and Wageningen University & Research.

The conference is endorsed by The European Commission DG Sante and the Global Champions 12.3 coalition.

Conference Towards Halving Food Waste in Europe