A tiger from Ukraine found his lovely home at the Big Cat Sanctuary in the Netherlands
Now the 13-year old tigerTsezar enjoys his life in the Netherlands. But back in 2020 his life story shocked animal activists all over Ukraine.

In 2020 the story of the male-tiger Tsezar and female-tiger Kleopatra shocked animal activists all over Ukraine. They were found in a private club where were exploited and used for intensive breeding.
Luckily they were rescued by Wild Animals Rescue Centre by Natalia Popova. Both tigers were very old and had health problems because of dehydration, starvation and being kept in terrible conditions. Unfortunately female Kleopatra died because of lung cancer.
Saving Tsezar

In October 2021, Four Paws International managed to transfer Caesar from Ukraine all the way to FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary in the Netherlands, that takes care of big cats that were abused, neglected or discarded and were forced to live under poor conditions in private captivity, circuses and zoos.
Watch the video of the life changing journey of tiger Tsezar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tARt-ry0u0s&t=200s

Now Tsezar is 13 years old and he is a happy tiger. He loves to relax in his hammock made from old fire hoses, he is friendly to his animal caretakers and very playful.
He has thousands of Ukrainian and International followers in social media, who supported his journey from Ukraine to the Netherlands.
Follow the updates of Tsezar on Facebook of https://www.facebook.com/felidabigcatsanctuary and stories of more animals saved by Wild Animals Rescue Centre by Natalia Popova at https://www.facebook.com/wildanimals.ua

Wild Animals Rescue Centre
Natalya Popova has long been rescuing wild animals that have suffered from terrible conditions of their keeping, have been injured under various circumstances, or served irresponsible owners as a means to enrich themselves or satisfy their whims.
In the shelter, Natalya is engaged in monitoring the state of health of rescued animals, their treatment, rehabilitation and transportation to the best sanctuaries around the world, where living conditions correspond to their species’ needs.

Yes, she sends lions to South Africa, bears to Romania or bear shelters in Ukraine: either “White Rock” or “Domazhyr” in the Lviv Region.
Helping anumals at the frontline
Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the number of wards of her shelter has been ever increasing. Many wild animals were evacuated from the front-line areas, where either the owners abandoned the animals to a painful death from starvation and explosions, or could no longer keep them due to financial difficulties.

UAnimals has long cooperated and supported the activities of Natalya and her shelter. So now, we decided to join forces. And now “Wild Animals’ Shelter” is reorganized into “Natalya Popova and UAnimals Wild Animals Rescue Center”.
“I am very happy with our merger. Now, together we can save even more lives. One of the top priority tasks is the urgent response and prompt provision of assistance to wild animals in need. Our joint cooperation with UAnimals provides excellent opportunities to quickly respond to messages and save wild animals,” – says Nataliya.