R&D proposes to Romanian farmers the creation of agricultural windbreaks

The (forestry) windbreaks made of agricultural species are the novelty proposed by the specialists of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (ASAS) "Gheorghe Ionescu-Sisesti", announced the president of this high forum, PhD Prof. Valeriu Tabără.

Invited to the Agrostrategia TV programme, a co-production of TVR and Agrointeligența, Prof. Valeriu Tabără reiterated that climate change is not a story, but a reality.

Irrigation Systems

Professor Tabără also spoke about the efforts of specialists to create new solutions for protecting crops through forestry barriers (windbreaks).

"Windbreaks are absolutely necessary. We will come up with a novelty that we want to patent as a type of fence. We're not going for forest species, we're going for agricultural species. We are talking about black walnut, wild cherry, possibly also linden trees, to increase the area of honey plants and then, at the bottom of the curtain, (...) we are including wax cherry trees and hazelnuts - where it will work, so something that will close the curtain at the base", announced Prof. Valeriu Tabără, former Minister of Agriculture.

The president of ASAS said during the Agrostrategia programme that the specific climate of each area of the country should be taken into account when creating forestry windbreaks made of agricultural species.

"We have a type of fruit tree windbreak at Marculești, based on a PhD thesis of a forester years ago. Now we want to try (...) such a construction (agricultural species curtain - editor's note). We have to take into account the conditions of each area (...) We do not challenge forestry windbreaks, which certainly have their value, but they come with some additions including environmental issues", said Prof. Tabără.

Source: Agrointel.ro