Poland: webinar impact war on Polish agrifoodsector
On Tuesday May 17, a webinar will take place about the impact of the war against Ukraine on the Polish agrifood sector. The webinar is organized by the Netherlands Polish Chamber of Commerce (NPCC), in cooperation with BNP Paribas and the Agricultural Office of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Poland. Join us online at 10.00 hours!

The war in Ukraine has a huge impact on the agricultural markets worldwide. Not only is it difficult to sow the crops in Ukraine such as corn, wheat and oat, it is currently also not possible to export via the Black Sea harbours. According to recent data of the UN around 25 million tons of grain are stuck in Ukraine.
In our Knowledge Circle Agri we look at how big the impact is for Poland. We will discuss with experts the current situation on the grain and feed market in Poland and possible consequences for the meat sector as well as the disruption on the market of fertilizers. What does this mean for Poland?
During our program we will answer crucial questions, such as:
• How much is the Polish agrifood sector depending on Ukraine and how is this being mitigated.
• What is the impact in Poland on the prices for consumers and horeca industry.
• What are the specific characteristics of the Polish agrifood production and which elements are hit the hardest.
• What are the consequences for the feed and therefore livestock sector in Poland.
• Can Poland play a role in solving the logistic issues for grain supply from Ukraine.
Please register by sending an email to office@npcc.pl
The link for the webinar will be provided shortly before the webinar starts on Tuesday May 17 at 10.00 hours
The webinar is an initiative of the Netherlands Polish Chamber of Commerce (NPCC) in cooperation with BNP Paribas and the Agricultural Counsellor at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Poland. It will be broadcasted from a studio in Warsaw where host Elro van den Burg (director of NPCC) will talk with several experts including:
- Grzegorz Kozieja, BNP Paribas
- Dariusz Goszczynski, KRD-IG, National Poultry Council in Poland
- Elena Faige Nieroba, Maxigrain Ukraine
- Carolien Spaans (Agricultural Counsellor) will be on location to interview General Manager Marcin Galiński of Trouw Nutrition Poland.
When & where
The webinar will take place on Tuesday May 17, from 10.00 till 11.30 hours. You can register by sending an email to office@npcc.pl - the link to the webinar will be provided shortly before the start of the broadcast. During the webinar you can ask questions via the chat. The webinar will be recorded.