Tomato consumption in Poland

The annual consumption of tomatoes in Poland remains at the level of around 10 kg for several years.

diverse kinds of tomatoes on a wooden plate
Beeld: ©A.Murawska

Experts from Enza Zaden had a closer look on behaviors of the Polish customers and it seems that already 75% of Poles buys tomatoes at discount retail chains. The largest group of consumers, as many as 24% buy tomatoes in Biedronka stores, slightly less (21% of buyers) make such purchases in Lidl. Carrefour (14%), Auchan (13%) and the Tesco chain included in the research discussed by the lecturer (10%), which is currently taken over by the Danish chain Netto.

Consumers mainly indicate favorable prices (51%) as the reasons for choosing a given commercial network, for as many as 33% of buyers the most important is the habit, the same group of customers indicates promotions.

For several years, many people in the industry have wondered where the limit is for the further development of the raspberry tomato market in Poland. It turned out that the views on the "raspberry possibilities" of the Polish market had to be revised all the time - because their share in the cultivation was growing every year. Currently, raspberry tomatoes are bought by as many as 99% of Poles. Another interesting piece of information is that the vast majority, 84% of consumers, choose unpacked tomatoes.

tomatoes on a wooden background
Beeld: ©@AgaMurawska

Growing tomato in Poland

Enza Zaden presented data on the cultivation area in greenhouses of various types of tomatoes in Poland. The data presented by a specialist from Enza Zaden shows that in 2019 the cultivation area of ​​raspberry tomatoes in Poland was 550 ha. Red standard and large-fruited tomatoes were grown at that time much less, because they only grew on 360 ha. Grape varieties covered about 100 ha, export red varieties weighing 80-110 g - about 25 ha, and special varieties - cocktail and cherry - a total of 37 ha.

It turns out that within 2 years the production area of ​​raspberry tomatoes has significantly increased - this year it is estimated that they cover about 780 ha. Red varieties with standard and large fruit (beef) this year, according to specialists from Enza, grow only on 210 ha. Grape tomatoes occupy only about 30ha. The export varieties (80-110 g) are grown on 19 ha, and special tomatoes (cocktail and cherry) are grown on an area of ​​40 ha.

The increase in the area of ​​raspberry tomatoes is influenced, among others, a large offer of their varieties on the market - recently, probably each of the seed companies has been testing and introducing new products with such a color of fruit. Some of the new varieties are not distinguished by the good taste associated with raspberry tomatoes. Compared to the data from 2019, when the share of raspberry varieties defined as unpalatable was 16%, this year it increased twice - to 32%.

Source: Pod Osłonami