A closer look at the Tanzanian tomato value chain and the role of seed companies

What is the potential value of horticulture for farmers in Tanzania? And how can developments in the seed sector contribute to the Tanzanian horticulture sector? The case study by Wageningen University & Research gives you insight into the tomato value chain in Tanzania and the role seed companies can play in strengthening the value chain.

Tomato Farmer TZ 3:2

In Tanzania, the vast majority of vegetables are grown for the domestic market, over 95%. The horticulture sector is expanding fast, generating more and more value for the country and offering a growing supply of vegetables to help feed a rapidly growing population. Plenty of opportunities are within reach. Better seeds, inputs and production possibilities are increasingly available to farmers. Moreover, the government of Tanzania is increasingly promoting a healthy diet, that includes vegetables.

Beeld: ©Report WUR

Of all the actors in the tomato sector, seed companies are the ones that drive innovation the most in the sector. They are continuously developing new varieties to meet the needs of farmers and markets. By increasing tolerance to diseases such as tomato curly leaf virus and bacterial wilt, by improving yields over longer periods, or by imparting greater tolerance to water stress, risks are greatly reduced and potential productivity is increased.

Of course, developing new varieties that serve both the farmers’ and consumers’ needs remains a core objective for the upcoming years. Reliable seed companies are critical to the vitality of the horticulture sector.

In this case study you will find a detailed explanation of the opportunities and challenges that the Tanzanian horticulture sector faces today. You will gain further insight through inspiring and informative interviews with Vivian Minja (commercial farmer), Jackie Mkindi (director of TAHA), Coen Everts (general manager of East-West Seed) and Elijah Mwashayenyi (director of SEVIA).

Kindly find the full case study here

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