Promising test results for Dutch organic manure in Hungary

The four-year program funded by the Dutch government demonstrates that the application of natural nutrients in the Hungarian arable plant cultivation can result in significant yield increases.

In the third year of the field tests a very high response was measured in winter wheat and barley (the corn is not yet harvested), resulting in increased yields of up to 70% compared to untreated plots. The diagram above displays yields and yield increase for three locations.

The program

The Dutch PiB (partners in business) initiative Natural Minerals for Hungary – also called Talajtáp – aims to develop a Hungarian market for processed natural nutrients produced by the Dutch private partners. The program has brought attention to nutrient- and soil management to secure a profitable and sustainable arable agriculture. It has also contributed to the exchange of scientific knowhow on soil improvement between Hungary and the Netherlands.  

Since 2015 Talajtáp has tested the effects of the application of natural nutrients in corn, winter wheat, barley and sunflower on five locations around Hungary. The test plots consist of randomized plots of 3 by 10 m in which 4 doses of natural manure are applied and 1 plot remains untreated. On all locations this layout is repeated 6 times to dismiss any local influences.

Test plots, without and with application of natural nutrients

Investments in organic manures have not gained much ground yet with Hungarian farmers, and the country’s agriculture is primarily based on artificial fertilizers. However, there is a growing awareness about the importance of sustainable soil management in modern agriculture. Farmers are increasingly aware of the positive effects that the organic matter content of the soil has on the biological activity of the soil, its fertility and capacity to store water. These test results show that an increased soil fertility will result in increased yields and will support the transition to a combination of organic manures and artificial fertilizers in nutrient management. Investment in organic manures leads to higher yields within several years after its first use. 

More information

For more information on Talajtáp and their approach to the export of natural nutrients to Hungary, please visit their website here.