Marktrapport nieuwste landbouw-innovaties (Robotics, ICT and AI) in Japan

LAN-TOK publiceert deze week ons nieuwste marktrapport over de ontwikkeling van Agro-robotica, Artificial Intelligence en ICT in de Japanse land- en tuinbouwsector. Het land heeft de ambitie de onderontwikkelde, kleinschalige landbouwsector te moderniseren, maar kampt nu al met arbeidstekorten en vergrijzing van de sector.

De gemiddelde leeftijd van de Japanse boer ligt boven de 65 jaar. De overheid en de kennisinstellingen zetten daarom in op meer gebruik van agro-robotica, ICT en AI om de arbeidsproductiviteit te verhogen. De laatste jaren maken veel non-agro bedrijven in de tuinbouwsector hun intrede. Grote nutsbedrijven en multinationals (zoals Toyota, Mitsubishi, Daikin, NEC, Fujifilm, Yanmar) investeren in het opzetten van moderne tuinbouwbedrijven: ook om eigen glastuinbouwtechnologie te ontwikkelen en vermarkten. Dit marktrapport geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen en spelers op dit terrein.

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Vertical Farming production

(In English)

In Japan, agriculture is currently faced with difficulties such as the ageing of existing farmers and the lack of those who become newly engaged in agriculture. In order to enhance the competitiveness of agriculture, make agriculture an attractive industry, and create an environment that makes farmers motivated to work harder and enables them to display their abilities to the full, it is important to innovate in agricultural technology such as saving and reducing labor, refining agricultural production, and using information technology.

In other industrial sectors, effective use of robotic technology and ICT is progressing, and technological innovations lead to the enhancement of the sectors’ competitive power. In the agriculture sector, too, technological innovations are expected to solve various problems and give agriculture the strong power that develops it into a growth industry. For this reason, with the cooperation of economic and other circles, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries organized a study group to realize “smart agriculture,” a new type of agriculture that makes the most of advanced technologies such as robotic technology and ICT to enable super labor-saving, high-quality production, and the like.

In order to solve the problems that face Japan’s agriculture and develop a new type of agriculture (smart agriculture), it is important to put forward an image of future smart agriculture in an easy-to-understand way and carry out initiatives to realize the vision while sharing it. This market study will give an overview of the current robotic technology and ICT.

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Table of Contents

Present condition of and challenges for agriculture in Japan

Use and application of big data and ICT in agriculture marketing

Effective use of data in the agricultural sector and the gist of the report of the National Strategy Office of Information and Communications Technology, Cabinet Secretariat

1. Smart agriculture

1-1. Outline of smart agriculture

1-2. Challenges for and the possibility of using artificial intelligence and IoT for agriculture

1-3. Examples of and technology required for application of artificial intelligence and IoT to agriculture

1-4. Challenges for application of artificial intelligence and IoT

1-5. Outline of regulations for use of agricultural IT services

2. Agriculture sector

2-1. Agricultural cloud services

2-2. Sensor networks and environmental control systems

1) Outline of sensor networks

2) Agricultural sensor networks

3) Environmental control systems

4) Major sensors

5) Use of GPS guidance systems

6) Effective use of robots in the smart agriculture sector

3. Food innovation in the agriculture sector

4. Agriculture: SWOT analysis for innovation in the food industry

5. Businesses entering the agricultural sector

5-1. Positioning of agricultural policy 

5-2. Position of JA (Agricultural Cooperative Associations)

5-3. Opportunities for foreign businesses and knowledge research organizations to form alliances