23 september Agroshow Bednary Poland
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- Poland, Bednary
Airport Area Bednary, 62-010 Pobiedziska (close to Poznan)
GPS Position: 52 32 04 N 17 13 07 E
Agroshow Bednary is a 3-day outdoor exhibition for the agricultural sector in the broad sense. Including exhibitors offering agricultural machinery, fertilizer products, seeds , plant protection products and other industries related to agriculture , as well as financial institutions. Visitors can explore the full range of products and services for agriculture and to obtain all the information and assistance of technical, agronomic and economic .

Netherlands Pavilion
At Agroshow Bednary there will be a Netherlands Pavilion. The NL pavilion is organized by WTC Twente with support of the GO4Export program and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Poland.
We invite all Dutch companies active in the agrisector to join our pavilion, especially those who are active in improving soilquality.
For more information, please contact Freerk Faber (WTC Twente): f.faber@wtctwente.eu
Link to the website of Agroshow Bednary: AGRO SHOW