Brexit threatens fishing catches of the Spanish fleet

The Spanish fleet can lose 9,000 tons annually if the UK achieves its pretensions: regain control of its waters and continue selling to the EU without tariffs.

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Every year, Spanish fishermen catch 9,000 tons of hake, megrim and monkfish in British waters, valued at around €27 million. 80 Spanish vessels are licensed to fish in the Sole Bank and another 17 to do so in the Falkland Islands.

Although they represent only 1% of the total Spanish catches, according to the sectoral organization Cepesca, this possible new situation “would break the balance set by Brussels”.

In addition, the UK aims to sell in an European market free of tariffs. “That can’t be!. The EU will have to reach an agreement for the good of all”. Currently the British export 70% of the fish they catch.

The total of the 637,000 tons captured in British waters are distributed, besides Spain, between France, Belgium, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. Of all of them, Belgium would be the hardest hit by the Brexit.
