Five Companies Account for Over 72% of Rice Market in Romania

Sales of rice went up 4.5% in value to more than 650 million lei in Romania in 2019 and the top five companies in this business account for 72% of the market, market research company Euromonitor data show. There is no Romanian company among international giants Riso Scotti, Deroni and Panzani.

“Sales have gone up in volume and in value year after year. Demand was higher during lockdown, but we are still seeing demand. Deroni is one of the best-selling brands (…),” said Isabela Bostina, administrative director of Deroni in Romania.

Deroni entered Romania directly via Zone International Trading in 2013. It posted RON114 million revenue in 2018, according to Finance Ministry data.

While demand for rice has increased, the area of land allocated to rice crops has been shrinking in Romania since 2009, going from 13,300 hectares to 8,400 hectares in 2018.

Production went down from 72,400 tons to 44,400 tons, according to Agriculture Ministry data.

The top five companies on the Romanian rice market are Riso Scotti Danubio (Riso Scotti) – 27.5% market share, Zone International Trading (Deroni) – 13.5%, Atifco International (Atifco) – 13.2%, Herba Ricemills Rom (Panzani) – 12.8% and Mars Romania (Uncle Ben’s) – 5%.
