Triticale production in Poland

Poland is the largest producer of triticale in the world. The domestic crops of this cereal account for 1/3 of the global production and more than 40% of the eu production. This is the cereal whose popularity is growing – in 2020, the share of triticale in the eu production structure increased to 55%.

field of triticale
Beeld: ©Pexels

According to available data of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the 2019/2020 season Poland, together with Germany and France, accounted for nearly 60% of the global production of this cereal. Currently, triticale is one of the most commonly cultivated cereals in Poland, occupying the second place after wheat. The popularity of triticale in Poland is reflected in the cultivation area, which remains at a high level. In the 2016/2017-2020/2021 marketing years, it ranged from 1.3 million to 1.4 million ha.

grain production in Poland
Beeld: ©Polish food

In the structure of the cereal sowing area in the 2020/2021 season, triticale occupied the second (after wheat) place with the share of 19%. More than 50% of crops are located in the Wielkopolskie, Mazowieckie, Łódzkie and Lubelskie Voivodeships.

The domestic demand for triticale regularly exceeds 4 million tonnes. The main factors causing changes in the cereal consumption in Poland are fluctuations in the animal population. Triticale, in addition to grain for sowing, is used in the feed, bio-fuel and processing industries.

Characteristics of triticale

The popularity of triticale results from the specific characteristics of this cereal. Owing to its high resistance, it may be cultivated in various climatic conditions. The soil requirements for triticale are higher than for rye, but lower than for wheat and barley – it can be successfully cultivated on weak soils. This cereal gives high yields and has a relatively thick grain with high density and good uniformity. It is highly resistant to diseases and can stand low temperatures and water shortages relatively good. The grain of triticale has the high content of proteins with a beneficial amino acid composition and a high degree of digestibility.

grain harvest
Beeld: ©Polish food

Export of triticale from Poland

National yields of triticale significantly exceed the demand of the internal market, which allows to sell surplus quantities abroad. In the 2020/2021 season, 1,074 thousand tonnes of triticale were exported from the country, over seven times more than 10 years ago. At the same time, the export value of triticale increased almost 9 times (from EUR 22 million to EUR 190 million) and accounted for 11% of the total revenue from sales of grain. During the period of three months of the 2021/2022 season (July-September 2021), Poland exported 234 thousand tonnes of triticale, by 36% less than in the same period the year before. This accounted for 13% of the total volume of grain export. At that time, the export value of triticale grain decreased by 20% to almost EUR 47 million. During the 2020/2021 season, triticale grain was exported from Poland to the European Union countries, mainly to Germany (584 thousand tonnes, 54% of the export volume of this grain) and Spain (362 thousand tonnes, 34%). During the first three months of the 2021/2022 season, as in previous years, the largest customers of Polish triticale were Germany (145 thousand tonnes, 62% of export of this cereal) and Spain (69 thousand tonnes, 30%).

export of triticale
Beeld: ©Polish food

Import of triticale into Poland

At the beginning of the 2021/2022 season, i.e. in July-September 2021, 1.3 thousand tonnes of triticale were imported into the country by 55% less than in the same period the year before. Import expenditures decreased 28% at that time, to EUR 304 thousand. The cereal was mainly imported from the neighbouring countries. The largest suppliers of cereal grain to Poland were the European Union countries (1.2 thousand tonnes, 98% of grain import volume), mainly Germany (736 tonnes, 58%) and the Czech Republic (378 tonnes, 30%). The balance of foreign trade in triticale in the period of July- September 2021 was positive and amounted to 233 thousand tonnes when compared to 364 thousand tonnes the year before. At the same time, the value of the balance decreased by 20% to more than EUR 46 million.

trticale international trade
Beeld: ©Polish food

Source: Polish food