Report: Circular agribusiness opportunities in Poland

The newest report „Circular business opportunities in Poland”  states agriculture (bioeconomy) as one of the opportunity sectors for Dutch companies. Circularity has put Netherlands on the forefront of sustainable agriculture. The technologies that enable this transition could be replicated in Poland to increase the sectors productivity and at the same time answer the needs of ecologically-aware consumers.

Webinar Polen

To do so business environment modification would be helpful. Poland has relatively vast areas of arable land. Most of the farms are small in size and use relatively old methods of production, which offers the possibility of using current farms as a blank slate, for applying circular solutions. Also global trade will push changes in the agricultural sector in Poland and increasing productivity is essential in this aspect. Circular solutions could be of great help in this aspect. Especially, that the desire to intensify cultivation, characterized by, inter alia, excessive consumption of fertilizers and the introduction of monocultures, poses a great threat to the quality of life of people, mainly due to the deterioration of the quality of the environment in which they exist.

To identify most promising chances and niches in the Polish economy for circular transition RVO asked Innowo foundation for the cooperation at the report on “Circular business opportunities in Poland”. The research showed three main areas of possible transition:

  • Agriculture/ bioeconomy
  • Energy
  • Construction

Within agriculture also three main domains were mentioned:

  • Organic production that has to increase in line with the green policy of the European Union;
  • Biogas production and installations as Poland is a big poultry producer and the need for circular use of manure and energy is rising;
  • Soil management- Poland uses relatively low amount of artificial fertilizers but the quality of soil and the amount of microelements still needs some improvement. Natural fertilizers can be a solution for the problem.

The whole report can be downlowaded here.

The Embassy prepared a discussion with entrpreneurs who are aquainted with circular business and active in Poland. The recording from this talk can be found here.

The concept of circular economy could help to curtail these externalities, without limiting the possible competitiveness growth, or rather supporting it in a new environment of more sustainable consumer choices.