Documenten - Polen
43 documenten over Polen
- Datum
- Relevantie
Agriculture in Poland
"Agriculture in Poland. Soil characteristics and quality" is a accessible and easy-to-read compendium of knowledge about Polish ...
Poland: demonstration project irrigation in potatoes
W ostatnich latach uprawa ziemniaków staje się dużym wyzwaniem w Polsce. W 2020 roku konsorcjum holenderskich firm, wspierane ...
Poland: presentation KJ Osinga F2F, Green Deal
Poland: presentation BNP Paribas dairy sector
Organic farming in Poland- report
Green Deal supports the ecological production as one of its pillars is the farm to fork strategy with the aim to increase ...
Poland: broadcast March 18 on protein crops
"The future of protein supply and demand: Strategies and objectives for protein crop production for food and feed." Is the topic ...
Protein crop market in Poland
Impact of corona crisis on Polish agriculture
Polish cut flowers growers- Covid-19 report
The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands asked several Polish flower producers to share their views on the Covid-19 ...
Energy in agriculture- summary in Polish
Findings of two webinars on circular energy are collected and published. The aim of both events was to increase knowledge among ...