19 september Agroshow in Bednary near Poznan, Poland
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- Poznan, Poland
Airport Area Bednary,
62-010 Pobiedziska, Poland
approx 30 km from Poznan
Position GPS: 52 32 04 N 17 13 07 E
Agroshow Bednary is the largest open-air agricultural exhibition with an area of 120ha. Each year, the exhibition presents over 800 companies, the exhibition is visited by nearly 120 000 farmers.
WTC Twente, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Netherlands, will organize a joint Netherlands Pavilion at the exhibition with the possibility to showcase machinery as well.

AGRO SHOW Bednary is for the agricultural sector, in the full sense of the word. This includes agricultural machinery, fertilizer products, seed varieties, plant protection products and other industries related to agriculture.
Agroshow Bednary is a 3-day outdoor exhibition for the agricultural sector in the broad sense. Including exhibitors offering agricultural machinery, fertilizer products, seeds , plant protection products and other industries related to agriculture , as well as financial institutions. Visitors can explore the full range of products and services for agriculture and to obtain all the information and assistance of technical, agronomic and economic.
We invite all Dutch companies active in the agricultural sector to join us at the Netherlands Pavilion at Agroshow Bednary. The core of the Dutch companies will consist of those participating in the project on improving Soil quality in Poland. We invite all Dutch companies active in the agrisector to join our pavilion, especially those who are active in improving soilquality.
Link to the website of Agroshow Bednary