Werken zonder werkvergunning is strafbaar in Kenia

See english version below.

Werken (ook als zelfstandig gevestigde, vrijwilliger of stagiair) zonder werkvergunning is strafbaar in Kenia. De controle op de naleving hiervan is recentelijk aangescherpt.

Overtreding wordt bestraft (zowel geldboete, gevangenisstraf of uitzetting is mogelijk). Er zijn tussenpersonen actief die aanbieden een werkvergunning te regelen maar die het niet al te nauw met de regels nemen. Dit kan leiden tot vervalste werkvergunningen die u later in de problemen kunnen brengen. Er is aangekondigd dat binnen afzienbare tijd een wet zal worden aangenomen die voorschrijft dat een werkvergunning vooraf, in het eigen land, moet worden aagevraagd voordat men Kenia mag inreizen met als doel werkzaamheden te verrichten (ongeacht of dat in loondienst is, als consultant of zelfstandige). U kunt een werkvergunning aanvragen via de website van de immigratiedients. Meer informatie via onderstaande link.

English version

New requirements for work permit applications in Kenya. This is to inform Dutch nationals wishing to or currently working in Kenya that, due to the administrative and policy changes recommended by the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, the following new procedures are being instituted by the Directorate of Immigration Services:

- All foreigners wishing to work in Kenya should have a work permit approved and issued prior to their arrival.

- Foreigners who need to renew their permits should submit their application for renewal at least 4 months before the expiry of their current work permit.

- committees will be formed to consider Special Pass and Dependent Pass in the same manner as has been for the Work Permit.


This means that the previous practice where a foreign national could potentially engage in work-related activities holding only a valid tourist visa as the work permit application is being processed will no longer be possible. Applicants will have to wait until the necessary approvals are secured before gaining entry to Kenya for the purpose of work-related activities. For foreigners who will be seeking renewals of the work permits, they will be required to have been issued with new work permits by the time the current work permits expire in order to continue working, hence required to seek renewal way in advance before the current one expires.


Government of Kenya is yet to issue official circular explaining the changes and providing clarifications on how to achieve compliance and ensure smooth transition from the current system. The embassy shall relay this information as soon as this is made available