Documenten - Colombia

26 documenten over Colombia

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  1. Annual Plan LAN ANDES 2023

    Publicatie | 20-02-2023

  2. Agrologistics State of Affairs

    Here you can download the study "Agrologistics in the Colombian Caribbean: state of affairs, bottlenecks and opportunities"

    Publicatie | 01-12-2022

  3. Agrologistics Infographic

    Here you can download the infographic on "Agro-logistics Bottlenecks and Opportunities in the Colombian Caribbean"

    Publicatie | 01-12-2022

  4. Agrologistics Business Cases

    Here you can download the study "Agro-logistics Business Opportunities in the Colombian Caribbean"

    Publicatie | 01-12-2022

  5. Final report: Increasing water efficiency in Colombian palm oil production by implementing efficient irrigation systems

    Final report: Increasing water efficiency in Colombian palm oil production by implementing efficient irrigation systems

    Brochure | 07-02-2022

  6. The Agricultural Counselor inside of the Bogota’s Food Bank

    The Agricultural Counselor - Mrs. Léontine Crisson from the Embassy of the Netherlands in Bogotá shares her impressions and ...

    Video | 14-10-2021

  7. Resumen del proyecto Técnicas de almacenamiento y recuperación de acuíferos para la producción sostenible de banano en la región de Magdalena, Colombia

    Resumen del proyecto Técnicas de almacenamiento y recuperación de acuíferos para la producción sostenible de banano en la región ...

    Brochure | 13-07-2021

  8. Project Summary Aquifer Storage and Recovery for sustainable banana production in the Magdalena region, Colombia

    Project Summary Aquifer Storage and Recovery for sustainable banana production in the Magdalena region, Colombia

    Brochure | 13-07-2021

  9. Infographics sustainable palm oil Colombia

    Here you can download the infographics on sustainable palm oil in Colombia

    Brochure | 03-06-2021

  10. Manure valorisation infographics

    Here you can download the infographics of the study "More than Manure: Opportunities for Dutch know-how and technology in manure ...

    Publicatie | 11-05-2021