Argentina - Report:state of play of on-farm and food processing liquid residues and their treatment

The LNV-office at the Embassy in Argentina commissioned a study into the state of play of on-farm and food processing liquid residues and their treatment in various sectors in Argentina. This could be interesting for Dutch agri&food-related operators offering technological solutions and knowledge on the subject. Get in touch with us if you want more information:

The study explores where  effluents originate from in selected segments within the primary production and processing of agri-food products in Argentina. The segments selected were beef production and processing, dairy production and processing, poultry production, pork production, vegetable oil production and beer production. The study looked at  effluents treatment in  two ways: first, the types of waste & residues generated by each production and their environmental impacts. And secondly, a description of the mitigation strategies that are currently available in Argentina. This  includes the companies that are currently providing effluent management solutions in the country.

As a summary, a segment with the general conclusions and the potential opportunities for Dutch companies to supply effluent management solutions to this market rounds up the present document. 

You can read the full report here.